Andrew Cuomo | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 9
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Reports indicate that failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will endorse New York Governor Andrew Cuomo instead of his primary opponent Cynthia Nixon. Let me repeat myself: Hillary Clinton (the female who bashed females for not voting for her) will endorse Andrew Cuomo instead of his female primary opponent Cynthia Nixon.

The NRA has been under assault from liberal politicians and political groups for decades. But those attacks have intensified after the Parkland school shooting. Student David Hogg, backed by powerful groups like Media Matters, launched a campaign to pressure companies to sever membership discount programs with the NRA. That campaign was largely successful, but it did not stop there.

Cynthia Nixon is taking the fight to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo aggressively. WABC in New York offered to host a televised debate and Nixon jumped at the chance before Cuomo even had a chance to respond. She also said she wants the debate to be between only the two of them.

Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has asked the private sector to help foot the bill to fix the subway in New York City. From New York Daily News:
"We have to change our attitude. This is our MTA [Metropolitan Transportation Authority], right? This is our transit system," Cuomo told members of the Association for a Better New York as he stood beneath a jumbo screen that flashed the words “We must change our attitude: OUR MTA.”

The Democratic Party is not only in disarray, but they seem to have no idea what to do to correct course. So far, the progressive wing seems to agree that it's best to push all the way left: to run on single-payer and "free" college, to establish a pro-abortion purity test, to curse at every public speaking opportunity, and to engage in unseemly and increasingly violent "resistance" efforts that insult the millions of Americans who voted for President Trump.

New York state recently passed legislation making it "free" to attend two and four-year state colleges. It's so free, it's estimated to cost New York state taxpayers a paltry $163 million per year. Called a "last-dollar" plan, would-be participants must first apply for federal monies before turning to the state for assistance. This 'free tuition' only covers half the cost of attending school and doesn't cover incidentals like books, fees, or housing. Oh, and participants must finish school on time.

On Friday, New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law NY State Senate bill S6340, making it illegal in the state of New York to advertise "for the use of dwelling units in a class A multiple dwelling."  This law is aimed at Airbnb, a San Francisco-based homestay network that coordinates the rental of private properties by the homeowners. Not unlike Uber, a transportation network, Airbnb eliminates the often union-driven marketplace for a given service; with Uber it's taxis and with Airbnb, it's hotels.  And as with Uber, unions are not happy with the explosion of Airbnb and lobbied in New York state for the passage of this law that establishes a minimum of at least 30 days for peer-to-peer rental of private property and provides for fines up to $7,500 for those in violation. The Hill reports:

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo banned short-term rentals on Airbnb after he signed a bill on Friday making it illegal to list unoccupied apartments on the service for stays under 30 stays.

Governor Andrew Cuomo's "tax-free" plan to bring technology jobs to New York has long been considered a failure, and buried in Friday afternoon's holiday weekend document dump is a report that demonstrates the degree of the latest NY boondoggle's failure. When first launched in 2014, problems with misinformation and unclear advertising that cost New Yorkers million swirled around START-UP NY. Newsmax reported at the time:
New York, rated the worst state in which to set up a business, is trying to lure entrepreneurs with a seductive new TV commercial that promises: "Move here ... and pay no taxes for 10 years." . . . . But critics say the devil is in the details: the plan, which is centered on the creation of tax-free zones, contains many regulations and exceptions that will make it hard to work as promised. . . . . The program doesn't actually guarantee 100 percent tax-free status — and it only applies to a specific segment of the business world. In other words, it's a lot more complicated than 30-second media spots put forth, says a lawyer who has dissected the program.

This past Sunday Omar Barghouti blasted Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s Executive Order No. 157 which directs NY state agencies to counter-boycott those companies that engage in discriminatory pro-BDS business activities. Barghouti (52) is one of the biggest names in BDS. He’s writes prolifically in support of the BDS agenda, goes on frequent speaking tours where he delivers vehemently anti-Israel propaganda to captive audiences on American college campuses and at mainline church events, and is featured prominently on BDS materials and in outlets that are sympathetic to the cause. In the mainstream media, he’s the go-to spokesperson of the movement and has been featured in a number of editorials in prominent newspapers (see here and here).

Despite heavy campaigning against this move by the misnamed Jewish Voice for Peace, New York joins the growing number of states to divest public funds supporting the BDS movement against Israel. In an executive order, Governor Cuomo takes a "first-in-the-nation action [to] ensure that no state agency or authority engages in or promotes any investment activity that would further the harmful and discriminatory Palestinian-backed Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign in New York State." From the Governor's office:
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today issued Executive Order No. 157 directing state entities to divest all public funds supporting the Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel. The first-in-the-nation action will ensure that no state agency or authority engages in or promotes any investment activity that would further the harmful and discriminatory Palestinian-backed Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign in New York State. The Governor made the announcement at the Celebrate Israel Parade.

We previously have mentioned that the Speaker of the NY State Assembly, Sheldon Silver, is backing an Assembly bill barring use of state funds to support participation in organizations -- such as the American Studies Association -- that conduct academic boycotts, and cutting off state funding for higher education institutions that violate the prohibition. Silver's backing virtually guarantees it will pass the Assembly. Now the NY State Senate has passed a similar, but not identical, bill, as reported by Capitol Confidential:
The state Senate by an overwhelming majority voted for a bill introduced by Sen. Jeff Klein that would prohibit any public or private college or university from using state funds to support through funding any academic entity “if that academic entity has undertaken an official action boycotting certain countries or their higher education institutions.” The bill is in reaction to the American Studies Association’s controversial boycott of Israel over that nation’s treatment of Palestinians. While almost entirely symbolic, the ASA’s action is viewed by Israel’s supporters as a potential camel’s nose under the tent (if you can say that about a controversy involving the Middle East) for broader divestment efforts. Klein amended his original bill, which would have used the bazooka-vs.-fly approach of denying all state funds to any school that supported such an organization. The revised bill includes several carveouts: