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Al Qaeda Tag

There was a double suicide bombing targeting the Iranian Embassy in Beirut earlier today. There are at least 25 dead, including one diplomat. An al-Qaeda linked group is claiming credit, but the Iranians are blaming Israel. The bobming is assumed to be in retaliation for Iran's involvement in...

There are very good arguments against intervention in Syria, even if I disagree with the conclusions reached from those arguments.  I haven't denigrated those who disagree, although I can't say the same is true in reverse. Unfortunately, regardless of how you come out on the issue,...

Just as the NSA-Snowden leak story was being broken by The Guardian via Glenn Greenwald, and to a lesser extent at The Washington Post, I thought about writing a post with the title this post bears.  In the crush of other things, and the uncertainty as...

Why the sudden and hysterical terror alerts causing shutdown of U.S. Embassies in the Middle East and worldwide concern? This may be the reason, via ABC News: The senior U.S. official said there is concern about devices that could be implanted inside the body of a terrorist. “We...

1) Shia is Shia and Sunni is Sunni and never the twain shall meet A couple of Al Qaeda terrorists were arrested in Canada. So of course, expect the LA Times to start its account with this: Police in Canada said Monday that two men suspected of...