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Abortion Tag

Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard has long been a gadfly in the Democratic party, ruffling the feathers of party leaders by at times taking positions at odds with party leaders and the far-left base. In the process, she has helped expose deep divisions within the party's ranks that Republicans including President Trump have capitalized on in bids to further fracture the Democratic base and win over converts.

The fourth and final day of Judge Amy Coney Barrett's hearing includes witnesses brought in by the Democrats to appeal to emotions instead of law and the Constitution and Republicans to explain Barrett's dedication to the law and Constitution. But as the Democrats have proven (sarcasm), Barrett will throw Roe v. Wade and Obamacare into the trash can on her first day on the bench.

Hey, Democrats. You cannot "gotcha" Judge Amy Coney Barrett. Sen. Amy Klobuchar kept trying to push Barrett to explain why she doesn't consider Roe v. Wade as "super-precedent," which means it's untouchable or unshakable. Barret explained her position, but also reminded Klobuchar that even progressive scholars don't consider the abortion law as "super-precedent."