2nd Amendment | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 32
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2nd Amendment Tag

From James O'Keefe (via Charlie Spiering): Veritas video reporter James O’Keefe has released a new video of his team posing as an anti-gun group promoting an initiative to journalists. At each home, the group dubbed as “Citizens Against Senseless Violence” asks each homeowner if they are willing...

I've been giving serious consideration to finally joining the NRA. The people who want to take away your guns (and they would if they could) almost always are the same people who want to control every aspect of your life, from the health care you get to the...

California's conservative activists are preparing to battle back Sacramento legislators, who are using the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy and their new super-majority to impose further restrictions on gun ownership. A Fox News report describes some of the proposed measures: Political analysts say the political landscape puts...

An infographic from Mayor Bloomberg's "Mayors against Illegal Guns" depicting "common-sense gun control" shows how graphics can swindle their audiences using simple tricks. Despite the fact that the NRA has condemned the group for being anti-gun, MAIG is attempting to define the terms of the debate in ways...

District of Columbia Attorney General Irvin Nathan issued a lengthy letter today explaining the decision not to prosecute David Gregory “despite the clarity of the violation of this important law," despite rejecting NBC's claims of a subjective misunderstanding of the law, and despite vowing vigorous...

In order to pass Obamacare, Obama bought off the drug industry, so much so that a consortium of drug companies ran ads in favor of the de facto nationalization of health care sector of the economy. The same approach may be used in connection with gun...

Emily Miller points out how David Gregory is receiving special treatment at the hands of the D.C. police, Two systems of justice: It’s been more than a week since police in Washington, D.C., opened an  investigation into NBC’s David  Gregory’s possession of a “high-capacity magazine” that’s...

Reaction to threats by Senator Dianne Feinstein and others to ban certain weapons and severely restrict ownership of guns generally has caused a run on gun stores, as is widely reported. Less reported is the run on ammunition, leaving ammunition inventories down 93% since election day. So...

Just because. Don't draw any conclusions as to why I'm posting it. Because you probably would be right. ...

That's where we are at the end of the day, today, via Jonathan Adler at National Review: It appears as if NBC’s David Gregory decided to brandish a high capacity magazine on NBC’s “Meet the Press” even though NBC was informed it would be illegal to...

As we move into 2013 and the legal insurrections, we should learn from history. As Thomas Lifson at American Thinker points out, now that the major institutions have been surrendered, it's time to emulate the left, Here comes the Alinskyite Right: David Gregory and Piers Morgan have...