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2012 Election Tag

When you aspire to be the billion-dollar candidate, turning off the security features on your credit card operation just isn't going to do the job.  You need big money donors to show you the money.And so it is for the most historic fundraiser ever, someone...

Mockery may be part of the plan, but it's not going to be enough in 2012.  Not with the mainstream media and entertainment industry on his side. Just tell it like it is, straightforward and hard hitting.  He's driving us over a cliff.  We win...

That's the headline you will not see.  Instead, you will see this headline:  "Obama Approval Ratings On The Rise Among Millennials, Especially on College Campuses, Harvard Poll Finds."And this headline:Obama Job Approval Rises Among Young Voters: Millennials More Likely To Vote Obama Than GOP Candidate...

If Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) recovers dramatically from her gunshot wounds, she would be a formidable candidate to run for the Senate seat being vacated by Jon Kyl.  Giffords would have been a contender for the Democratic nomination even without the shooting, but the groundswell of...

I have suggested long ago and again that Mitt Romney's best strategy on Romneycare simply would be to admit it was a mistake, even though honest and serious distinctions could be drawn between Obamacare and Romneycare.  He has not done that, and the political wound...

Claire McCaskill (D-Mo) was facing a tough reelection campaign to start.Now, with the revelation that she owes almost $300,000 in back property taxes on an airplane she owns, I doubt she will be showing this advertisement from an earlier campaign (h/t Taegen Goddard via Ben...

Tim Pawlenty has hired Lucas Biaino to help spice up Pawlenty's image, according to HuffPo: His job is to make Pawlenty appear larger than life. And he’s good at it.“Lucas can make rather emotionless things emotional, so good for the rap on Pawlenty!” emailed veteran...

Andrew Sullivan on Sarah Palin's upcoming trip to Israel (emphasis mine)The appeal of Sarah Palin as a GOP nominee is not just about domestic resentments. It is also about foreign policy revanchism. And it seems rash to me to dismiss the importance of this. There...

The Hill reports that John Cornyn and other Republicans in Washington, D.C. are trying to recruit Joe Scarborough to run for Senate as a Republican in Florida, GOP woos 'Morning Joe' for Fla. Senate:Republicans in Washington are trying to recruit Joe Scarborough to run against...

So says Sarah Palin's father in this interview with the BBC, because of death threats:In the kitchen of their Wasilla home, among an extraordinary collection of animal skins, skulls and bones, the spoils of a lifetime spent hunting and fishing, they told me that their...

Per posts at The Hill and Ben Smith, the Obama administration is playing its usual childish games, this time heaping praise on Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman, former Republican Governor of Utah, for the purpose of undermining Huntsman's appeal to Republican voters should Huntsman choose...

There is an economic measurement phenomenon developing which has the potential -- in a bass ackwards way -- to help Obama's re-election prospects.The jobs situation is so bad and so lacking in hope that more and more people simply are dropping out of the workforce,...

Among the many, many false narratives Barack Obama successfully perpetrated on the American public in 2008 with the help of a compliant and fawning media was the notion that Obama's election was the result of "small donors" and a grassroots fundraising movement.It all was part...

Think Progress sent a videographer to the Tea Party Patriots Policy Summit, and tracked down Tim Pawlenty.  Think Progress surely thought it would get one of those ambush type interviews where the candidate says something he regrets, but in fact in this case Think Progress...

Tim Pawlenty is taking a leading and unflinching public position supporting Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker in the battle with public sector unions.As pointed out a The Hill, Pawlenty has been more aggressive and consistent at defending Walker:Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R) sought Thursday to...

The drama unfolding in Wisconsin has the potential to be a defining moment in the 2012 presidential campaign because Obama openly has picked sides against the taxpayers in favor of public sector unions:President Obama thrust himself and his political operation this week into Wisconsin's broiling...