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Self-conscious we much? From reader and blogger C. Dodd Harris, IV, who spotted this vehicle in Louisville, KY: Saw this today, seemed like it was up your alley.

Which came first, the terrorism or the war? From reader Jonathan in Boston: I’m a long-time reader of your blog. Please keep up the good work! I spotted these bumper stickers on my way to school today. You would think I would be immune to...

From fellow Central (Upstate) New Yorker Fred: I am a fan of your blog. I also enjoy the seeing bumper stickers from around the country. How about one from our backyard? I saw this one on a Prius at the Liverpool, NY YMCA. I was...

this weekend, but before you check those out, remember Kathleen’s post about the changes to Google privacy policies which take effect March 1, and how you can protect yourself. David Gergen and four white guys walk into a womb and … Joe Biden visits “Road Island”...

Funny, I don’t see a “stop” button. A feature, not a bug. From reader Bill in Florida, who spotted this on a counter, and laments: I have been seeing lots of good bumper stickers, one on a prius, but alas, traffic only runs unimpeded when...

A close runner up to “the finest example of fatuous, preening, liberal self-righteousness” Thanks to reader Matt, who took this photo in the rain in Denver near the Cheesman Park neighborhood just east of Downtown, and writes: Doesn’t the government …already force me to? But...

Thanks to frequent photographer Matt, who writes: I’ve been waiting to send this one in. Every imaginable bumper sticker via the liberal meme on a Prius with a CU license plate. What struck me was the Marines sticker. Being the time of giving with Christmas...

Sums up the bumper stickers of this West L.A. lefty’s Prius.  Of course, thanks to experimentation on rats and other animals, we aren’t dying in droves at young ages like the pilgrims.

Thanks to reader Heather, who writes: Seen on a parked Prius in Sister Bay, WI Oh, the comments I could make! In a follow up e-mail, Heather wrote: In forgot to tell you; on the other side of the bumper was the obligatory “coexist” bumper...

This is a Prius; in the parking lot of a Starbucks; in Beverly Hills; with an Apple sticker; and a couple public employee union stickers. (Sheriffs, but still). Yet also, this intriguing anti-Obama bumper sticker. People are complicated that way. ——————————————– Follow me on Twitter,...

Spotted in French Lick, Indiana, by reader Robert, just days ago.  And they didn’t even wait for Obama’s speech tonight: Somehow, I have this sneaking suspicion they probably blame Bush: ——————————————–Related Posts:Bumper Stickers – The Series Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection...

When I first came to Ithaca, I knew I’d be in a liberal college town. I was fine with that, after all, I was coming from the most liberal college city (New York, NY). Amidst all the “fair trade” (what was unfair about trade in...

Spotted this morning in Ithaca, on a Prius with Connecticut New Jersey plates.  Mere faded glory, or a failed attempt to remove a failure? ——————————————–Related Posts:Bumper Stickers – The Series Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube

As I posted earlier, the key elements in “green” technology are rare metals mined mostly in China. The green economy envisioned by the Obama administration as the means by which we will grow “green jobs” and lessen our dependence on foreign oil in fact simply...

One of my enlightened readers from Seattle has a solution to save the planet. He took time out of his busy day to share the secret with me. And since this secret is so important, I will share the advice with you: Have a nice...