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Winsor DEI Plan: "External publications and communications have moved away from using 'she, her, hers’' and 'your daughter,' replacing the former with 'they, them, theirs' and the latter with 'student' .... Faculty and staff are discouraged from addressing groups of students as 'girls' and 'ladies.'”

My presentation at the Parents Unite conference: "Framing the narrative, I think at this stage, is really counter-framing the narrative, because we are up against an extremely organized and well-funded movement to push euphemistically called 'Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,' and race-based teaching throughout education."

Trinity Repertory Theatre panned by Providence Journal: "beginning with an opening monologue — inviting people to remember Native American tribes that once populated the state, mentioning slave trade connections and urging support for people of color — there is a layer being added to Dickens’ message of humanity and kindness that feels forced"