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Professor Jacobson just asked if a Toyota can get from California to Texas on single tank of gas? As a Californian, I would like to answer that question. First, you need to know that California Governor Jerry Brown recently said Rick Perry’s efforts to recruit...

Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) has been a focus here over the years because he’s Professor Jacobson’s home state Senator.  Whitehouse’s speech against opponents of Obamacare, in which he invoked Kristallnacht and lynchings, is legendary in the wrong way: History cautions us of the excesses to which...

The Rich get Richer When the Washington Post endorsed President Obama for his first term in office, part of the paper’s pitch was economic: OF COURSE, Mr. Obama offers a great deal more than being not a Republican. There are two sets of issues that...

One of the iconic “proofs” of man-made global warming is the infamous “hockey stick” graph”. Skeptics questioned the statistics and data used to generate the graph.  So, as Powerline’s John Hinderaker noted, “a group of climate alarmists headed by Shaun Marcott, a geologist at Oregon State,...

In her debut on the Senate Banking Committee, Elizabeth Warren once again became the hero of the left because she embarrassed Hapless Bank Regulators, as the Huffington Post put it: Bank regulators got a sense Thursday of how their lives will be slightly different now that...

Many politicians fail to understand an inherent point of economics I refer to as the “Star Wars Tax Rule”:  The more you tighten the tax grip, the more revenues will slip through your fingers. Today, I would like to highlight three recent news items that...