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“Unexpected” has become the term of choice for the mainstream media to excuse the Obama administration’s economic failures. Yesterday I read an article in The NY Times about something unexpected in Obamacare, and one term jumped out at me (emphasis mine): About one-third of employers...

Just ask pro-life, pro-gun clinging, anti-Obamacare, anti-cap-and-tax Mark Critz, who pulled out a victory in PA-12 last night in a district in which Obama is unpopular: The district itself couldn’t have been more primed for a Republican victory. According to one recent poll, President Barack...

And by “no one” I mean only the politicians who voted for Obamacare. Because they willingly ignored warnings that they were selling public policy based on phony numbers: Congressional Budget Office estimates released Tuesday predict the health care overhaul will likely cost about $115 billion...

The reaction to the Arizona Immigration law has been outlandish. While there are legitimate civil liberties concerns, as there are with many laws, the use of terms such as racist and Nazi to describe the law went beyond the pale. Eric Holder agrees that there...

Intergenerational warfare is breaking out in Greece as youth blame their elders for the economic mess, resulting from decades of welfare-state policies, that has left Greece bankrupt. I wonder whether the questions being asked by the youth of Greece are the same questions our children...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: It has been eight days since the Governor of Arizona signed the immigration law. A few tweaks have been made in the wording of the law since then,...

… if you want to be able to continue using terms like Nazi, Communist and Apartheid to describe the new Arizona immigration law. Or if, like President Obama, you want to claim that the law would allow people to be questioned merely for going out...

There is a fundamental disconnect in the arguments being mounted against the Arizona immigration law. What many of the critics want to say, but do not, is that they view all immigration laws as inherently racist because most illegal immigrants are non-white. There are some...

I previously posted about a recent report by the Office of Medicare Actuary which found that Obamacare would increase costs, and that the final health care bill made numerous unrealistic cost assumptions. I also made the follow observation as to why the report came out...

Move along, nothing to see from the government’s failure as to cancer treatment clinical trials. The clinical treatment system run by the National Cancer Institute has become so burdened with bureaucracy and paperwork that even the Editors of The New York Times are complaining (emphasis...

The gloss is off the Obamacare rose, if it ever were there. The Office of the Actuary of Medicare has released a report which finds that Obamacare will increase, not decrease, health care costs, and … (wait for it because you never would have guessed)...

Not since Sarah Palin gave an interview at a turkey processing farm has the left-wing blogosphere been so excited. The reason for the excitement? Sue Lowden, a Republican candidate for Senate in Nevada, mentioned that bartering is a legitimate means of obtaining health care services....

It would be easy to cheer as the Obama administration seeks to take down Goldman Sachs. After all, Goldman Sachs has become a proxy for Wall Street, since so many of the old icons no longer exist or have been consumed as a result of...

Just a little anecdote about the likely future of Obamacare: I was speaking with a doctor friend earlier today, and the topic turned to Medicaid, Medicare and private insurance reimbursement rates. He told me that Medicare pays him about half what private insurance pays, and...

Obamacare will have the unintended consequence of creating a two-tier system which is far more dramatic than the current system. We all know about the coercive nature of the individual and employer mandates under Obamacare. Those mandates, however, merely are mandatory (brilliant, I know). The...

Many of the criticisms of Michael Steele have been unjustified. The hoopla over $2,000 spent by an RNC staffer at a “sex-themed” club without Steele’s knowledge or permission, may have made interesting headlines, but it was not probative of Steele’s Chairmanship of the RNC. Today,...

The claim by the Joint Committee on Taxation that the health care mandate penalty was not enforceable by the IRS made a lot of news, but that claim made no sense to me. The Senate bill (at p. 336) says that the health care mandate...