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Today we will again be covering the Zimmerman Trial Jury Selection live, all day. At day’s end I will post a separate wrap-up discussing major events of the day, and their implications for the case moving forward. Thanks for joining us! To catch up on...

Goal Achieved of 40 Prospective Jurors for Full Voir Dire Today marked an important achievement at this step of the preliminary voir dire of prospective jurors–the desired 40 candidates have been selected for advance to form full-length voir dire, enabling things to progress the next...

Today the Court continued its preliminary questioning of prospective jurors, moving through seven candidates by the end of the day.  As was the case yesterday, questions were limited to how much exposure the prospective juror had to the case through the media and other channels,...

BREAKING:  At close of tonight’s Frye hearing, the State announced they intend to re-call Tom Owens for additional testimony.  The Court scheduled this for 4Pm on Wednesday.   The Zimmerman Court has re-convened the Frye suspended before jury selection.  The purpose of the Frye hearing...

Tomorrow begins the second week of jury selection in Florida v. Zimmerman, and we here at Legal Insurrection will once again be following the process on an all-day, live coverage basis. We’ll host a live stream of the courtroom and a rolling Twitter feed of...

Today the Court continued its preliminary questioning of prospective jurors, moving through seven candidates by the end of the day.  As was the case yesterday, questions were limited to how much exposure the prospective juror had to the case through the media and other channels,...

Today the Court continued its preliminary questioning of prospective jurors, moving through 10 candidates by the end of the day.  As was the case yesterday, questions were limited to how much exposure the prospective juror had to the case through the media and other channels,...

FOR TODAY’S MOST SHOCKING PROSPECTIVE JURORS, SCROLL DOWN TO E73, R39 & E7, BELOW. Today the Court continued its preliminary questioning of prospective jurors, moving through 10 candidates by the end of the day.  As was the case yesterday, questions were limited to how much...

For live video and coverage for Tuesday June 11th, click here. Just a quick note here to provide a brief wrap-up of today, Monday the 10th’s, events in the Zimmerman trial.  The morning saw the discussion of some motions and other open business.  Notably, George...

We are going to have some great coverage of the George Zimmerman trial.  I think Legal Insurrection’s coverage will be the best around.  I’ll have an announcement about that probably Sunday night. In the meantime, you can brush up on the case by reading our prior posts...

Update — see post-hearing analysis at bottom of post. ——————– At a hearing today, the Judge in the George Zimmerman case granted the prosecution’s motion to exclude all mention of Trayvon Martin’s social media use, including images and text relating to fighting and marijuana use....

Remember when ABC obtained a police station surveillance tape which supposedly showed no injuries to George Zimmerman, thereby allegedly disproving his claim that he was being beaten when he shot Trayvon Martin? The Martin family lawyer along with plenty of left-wing blogs (including a once-famous...