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One of the greatest mistakes we make is to confuse academic credentials with leadership. Barack Obama, who guards his transcripts like they’re the equivalent of the formula to Coke, presumably had very good grades at Harvard Law School because he graduated with high honors, a purely grade-based...

Thanks to @DDsModernLife for pointing out this comment by reader A. Dumas, in response to my post Houdini Economics: ——————————————–Related Posts:SOTU Speech In One SentenceExclusive – First Draft of Obama’s SOTU Speech Jewish History In One Sentence Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube Visit the Legal...

The credibility of the Congressional Budget Office suffered a grievous blow during the health care debate when the CBO was forced by Harry Reid to “score” Obamacare using preposterous and plainly contrived assumptions in order to keep the cost estimates below a trillion dollars. Now,...

Chalk this one up to the category of jobs destroyed by Obama (emphasis mine): The Obama administration’s push to accelerate General Motors Co. and Chrysler Group LLC dealership closings, aimed at helping the companies compete, may not have been necessary and added to unemployment, a...

We all know how carefully the Obama administration touts the mythical “jobs created or saved” (or is it “saved or created”?). We also know how many jobs have been lost since the Stimulus Plan passed (well over 2 million, even including expansion of government jobs)....

A tweet from Ed Driscoll linked to this photo of an IBM 350 5 Megabyte data storage unit, circa 1956, part of a system which leased for $3200 per month: Here is what a 5 Gigabyte flash drive looks like now, costing about $50: Identifiable...

Two weeks ago, unemployment numbers were released supposedly showing a jobs recovery, leading the New York Times and others to cheer how we had turned the corner. Steve Benen at Washington Monthly declared that this was a “breakthrough month” (rah-rah). As I discussed at the...

Don’t have much time this morning to comment further, but note the irony that today the jobless rate hit a 25-year high at 10.2%, and tomorrow night Democrats in the House of Representatives are planning to push through a health care restructuring bill that is...

Yet another “shocked to find gambling in Casablanca” moment. This time, the AP — yes the AP! — checked claims of jobs “created or saved” by stimulus bill spending, and found that the number of jobs was overstated by a factor of 1 in 6:...

The Stimulus Plan already has created jobs — for people hawking get rich quick schemes, sorry I mean, providing shady advice for a fee on how to grab your piece of the stimulus pig-fest crap sandwich, sorry again, I mean providing professional advice on how...