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The push for an economic boycott of Florida has ratcheted up in recent days, with some members of the Congressional Black Caucus now publicly supporting the idea of such an action.  The underlying target of their ire?  Stand Your Ground laws, of course. From The...

The Zimmerman court is engaged in a pretrial Frye hearing that will decide, in part, whether the prosecution’s expert witnesses can testify about their analysis of an audio recording of the 911 call made by Witness #11, which ended up accidentally capturing the last moments...

From the Boston Herald late last night, Full text of welfare statement on Tsarnaev brothers Statement on Tsarnaev Brothers Department of Transitional Assistance Status: “The brothers were not receiving transitional assistance benefits at the time of the incident and have not received any transitional assistance...

We try to bring you hard news sometimes …. Other times …. Woman’s first words after awakening from FIVE-YEAR coma are ‘I want to go to a Bob Seger concert’ — Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) April 10, 2013 Someone please tell me this is a...

Obama was much more animated, and I’m sure liberals on Twitter and elsewhere were happy much as during the Biden-Ryan debate. But I don’t think it helped Obama much. I’ll be interested to see the focus groups and polling. Obama got in some one liners,...

Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day has proven something I’ve noticed before. Conservatives are very good at buycotts, but very bad at boycotts. There have been attempts by some conservative and religious groups to boycott various businesses over political issues. But I can’t think of one, at least...

The Saturday Night Card Game started on August 8, 2009, when I noticed a post by Oliver Willis of Media Matters blogging at his own blog, as follows: Steve Benen tries to understand just why wingnuts are so angry about health care reform. He doesn’t...

There has been a lot written, including here, about Florida’s Stand Your Ground law, and the role it played in the shooting of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman. Almost all of the criticisms of the law as applied to this case revolve around the allegation...

The free market, where it is still free, has a way of keeping companies in line that stray too far from their consumers’ core values. That was the counter-argument (not original) I always made when, during business school at Cornell, some of our professors would...

Politico reports that Liz Cheney’s increased presence in Wyoming has caused some to wonder about her future political future plans there: With little fanfare, Cheney, a former State Department official and the eldest daughter of the former vice president, has spoken at six events in different corners of...

Their War On Women Moe Lane updates on the Susan G. Komen Foundation’s fundraising problems resulting from the left-wing boycott of Komen after Komen dropped sponsorship of Planned Parenthood, but then caved in to pressure and let go a top executive: The first explanation is...

You all know about the secondary boycott of Rush Limbaugh advertisers. Media Matters threw its full weight into the boycott, continues to work on it, and so-called “independent” groups continue to tweet away and call mostly local advertisers. The boycott intimidation tactics failed to remove Limbaugh...

U.S. soldiers who accidentally burned Korans to be charged, ““For the soldiers, it will be serious — they could lose rank.” Feels like a good night for a White House document dump.  Yup, something in the air. Ted Kennedy too conservative for today’s Dem party? ...