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Hezbollah in Lebanon needs Bashar Assad to stay in power, as Syria not only supports Hezbollah militarily but also serves as a logistics conduit for Iran. Hezbollah’s support of Syria’s crackdown has been noticed: Syrian security forces fired at two protests in the eastern province...

So says Mohamed ElBaradei: Egypt is disintegrating socially and its economy “is bust,” said Mohamed ElBaradei, the former director of the International Atomic Energy Agency and possible candidate for the Egyptian presidency. “Right now, socially, we are disintegrating,” ElBaradei said on CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS,”...

What is it with Nobel Peace Prize winners lately? Now its 2005 Nobel Laureate Mohamed ElBaradei threatening war with Israel if Israel gets into another war with Hamas in Gaza: Former International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei, who had previously announced his intetions to...

There are many cheap tricks used against bloggers. Perhaps the most common is to attribute the views expressed in comments to the blogger.  The problem there is that the nature of a comment section is to give people other than the blogger the chance to express an...

Whenever something incriminating about the Clinton family arises, I look to Dick Morris for analysis. His latest TownHall article with Eileen McGann does not disappoint. “The Wikileaks information indicates that Hillary — and her predecessor, Condolleeza Rice — instructed American diplomats to gather information about...

Kirsten Powers, almost alone among liberals, has been willing to denounce the sexualized attacks upon Christine O’Donnell, and now she does it again in a column at The Daily Beast titled Tea Party Mocking Needs To Stop: The Washington establishment has its nose out of...

The Southern Poverty Law Center has issued its latest screaming report: “Patriot” Groups, Militias Surge in Number in Past Year. Unfortunately, the hype surrounding the SPLC report is just another indication that SPLC has lost its way and has become a primary source to smear...

As we are led to believe that negotiations are underway to convince Iran to give up its uranium enrichment program, comes this disclosure by The Times of London that the International Atomic Energy Agency has been double-dealing: United Nations and Iranian officials have been secretly...

My home state of Rhode Island is quirky place. We still celebrate Victory Over Japan Day in August, although the name was changed to VJ Day and then to Victory Day, in a nod to political correctness. Now there is a move afoot to change...

Cass Sunstein has a problem if he wants to get on the Supreme Court. It’s not his intellect or credentials. According to Elena Kagan, also a contender for the high court, “Cass Sunstein is the pre-eminent legal scholar of our time — the most wide-ranging,...

Will it never stop? The deification of Obama, is what I’m talking about. Now it’s Obama’s marriage that is historic and a teaching lesson for the rest of us dim-witted wife-beaters. This, from a column in the Ithaca Journal written by Elizabeth Einstein (what else!):...