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A recently released Associated Press article on the Operation Counterweight race between David Rouzer (R) and Mike McIntyre (D) has echoed a common assertion regarding Mike McIntyre’s political status. A member of his party’s conservative Blue Dog caucus, McIntyre casually quotes Scripture, rails against illegal...

Chanting “si, se puede,” Occupy Congress protesters in Madrid, Spain, are in a standoff with police as their all-day protest of austerity measures has now continued into the evening. A livestream of the events shows clusters of police in riot gear attempting to hold back...

As I wrote on Sunday, Democrats are already offering free tickets to Bank of America stadium to see President Obama formally accept the Democratic nomination for President on Thursday, and close out the Democratic National Convention. Now, the Associated Press (h/t Fox News) has confirmed...

Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr., who has been noticeably absent from public life since June 10, has turned up at an Arizona rehab facility for alcohol abuse. In response to the report from Andrea Mitchell of MSNBC, his office has claimed he is being treated for a...

So much for the rule of law.  This guy wants reelection, so to hell with the Congress. Via Associated Press: The Obama administration will stop deporting and begin granting work permits to younger illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and have since...

Mia B. Love wins Republican nomination in UT04 UPDATE (9:40  pm): Voting finally starts, after delay caused by bickering in the voting for another district. UPDATE (8:15  pm): Love and Wimmer advance to round 2.  Love 53%, Wimmer 30% on first ballot. Kenneth Gray –...

Very sad news to report, just breaking.  Andrew Breitbart is dead. Via Big Journalism: Andrew passed away unexpectedly from natural causes shortly after midnight this morning in Los Angeles. We have lost a husband, a father, a son, a brother, a dear friend, a patriot...

Caterpillar has ruled out building a planned new plant in Illinois due to the negative business climate, via AP: “Please understand that even if your community had the right logistics for this project, Caterpillar’s previously documented concerns about the business climate and overall fiscal health...

% Reporting: 99 Gingrich: 40.4 Romney: 27.9 Santorum: 17 Paul: 13 Live results pages:  SC Election Comm., Politico, Google, Associated Press. —————————— Videos of speeches at ElectAd. Fox News confirms that Jeb Bush now plans to “stay neutral”  — of coures, he may jump in at...

Last night ABC News aired the much ballyhooed interview with Marianne Gingrich, Newt’s ex-wife. The ballyhoo was not warranted.  The “interview” was not so much an interview as an 8-minute ABC News attempt to portray Newt in an unfavorable light interspersed with very short clips...

In the least shocking news ever, Mitt Romney, who taunted Newt by saying that Newt could not take the heat of negative advertising run by a pro-Romney SuperPAC, refuses to take Newt up on the challenge of a one-on-one debate next week: “We’ve had many...

How ironic that Karen Kraushaar, whose identity became known only yesterday, called Herman Cain a serial denier. It turns out that Kraushaar is a serial complainer, demanding money at a second employer for supposed inappropriate language, via AP: A woman who settled a sexual harassment...

As noted in my post last night, Politico wrote 91 news stories in a one week period regarding “sexual harassment” charges against Herman Cain, without a single story stating what conduct Cain actually engaged in or was alleged to have engaged in. Howard Kurtz (via Althouse...