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What is it about this August. It seems that every caricature of Democratic incompetence, intolerance, snobbery, tax-and-spendiness, and manipulation is coming true right before our very eyes: Matthew Yglesias: If Only We Had Some Means of Taking Rich People’s Money and Devoting it to Public...

So this is what it comes to. After eight years of protesters hanging George Bush in effigy, calling him a Nazi, disrupting conservative speeches on campuses by taking over stages or throwing pies, creating websites and movies that wished for Bush’s death, and a myriad...

While protests against Democractic plans to restructure the health care system are growing by the day, the campaign to malign such protesters has not caught on at all at the grassroots. The campaign to create a sense of outrage against the protesters is not working,...

The health care protesters are thugs and a mob and astroturf and terrorists and Birthers and harassers and manufactured and frightening and vicious and “Karl Rove’s wet dream.” Did I mention a mob, terrorists and astroturf? UPDATE: Now we know who operates the Victrola (h/t...

“Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun,” so said Noel Coward.* So must it seem to Barack Obama and the leading Democrats who are trying to force through a vote on health care “reform” without anyone having a fair opportunity to read...

You know the Democrats are sensing a loss of momentum, and increasing resistance to their plans to ram through changes the American people do not want, because they have brought out the big smear that opposition to Barack Obama is racist. The most pathetic is...

In his “historic” speech to the Muslim world, Barack Obama spoke up for the rights of women. The first example Obama used was the right of Muslim women in the West to wear hair covering (italics mine): The sixth issue that I want to address...

The White House explanation for Sonia Sotomayor’s 2001 “wise Latina” statement was that Sotomayor used a “poor” choice of words and certainly would “restate” the language. This spin made no sense, as the full text of the 2001 speech made clear that Sotomayor did not...

The latest internet outrage-bubble started with a post at Politico titled RNC’s below-the-belt shot at Nancy Pelosi, regarding a Republican National Committee YouTube video about Nancy Pelosi. I agree with AllahPundit that the RNC should not have produced the video, among other reasons, because “they...

We are in the process of nationalizing and/or federalizing vast stretches of our economy, including the auto industry, banks, and health care. Individual property rights have taken a back seat to political priorities. I am against this trampling of individual property rights, which are the...

Two heartbeats away from President Barack Obama, in the line of succession, sits the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi. Two heartbeats away from the Presidency sits someone who has alleged that the Central Intelligence Agency repeatedly misled Congress as to the interrogation...

Many Democrats in Congress have pushed for release of documents and the holding of hearings on waterboarding and other interrogation methods. Putting aside for now whether the release of such information should take place, it appears that Obama started the ball rolling down hill by...

Things are not going so well for the administration, or the country: Under Restructuring, GM To Build More Cars Overseas White House on defense over legitimacy of budget cuts U.S. Banks’ Not-So-Stressful Test Obama To Fire His First Gay Arabic Linguist CIA Says Pelosi Was...

Republicans are not Obama’s worst policy enemies. At least Obama knows that Republicans do not support Obama’s agenda. Democrats who are fixated on getting revenge on the Bush administration are Obama’s real problem, and are handing Republicans a policy gift by pushing hard for a...

CQ Politics reports, based on an anonymous source, that California Democratic Representative Jane Harman “was overheard on an NSA wiretap telling a suspected Israeli agent that she would lobby the Justice Department to reduce espionage-related charges against two officials of the American Israeli Public Affairs...

I am about to tread where sane people in this society dare not go for fear of having their words twisted: Discussing race. Attorney General Eric Holder told us not to be cowards on the subject, so let’s talk about whether non-racist cartoons or words...

An air strike from a Predator drone killed 15-20 people in the tribal areas of Pakistan yesterday. According to most reports, the targets were al-Qaida operatives. Presumably, the CIA, NSA, and other government intelligence agencies had intelligence information as to the location of the operatives...