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I haven’t followed the Upton Bill very carefully. It seems that it is similar to Obama’s “fix” except that it also allows insurance companies to sell non-Obamacare compliant policies, not just keep them in force (assuming that even is possible, which it probably is not)....

The launch of, the Obamacare website, continues to be extremely unpopular due to glitches and long wait times. According to Pew Research, only three-in-ten Americans responded favorably to its launch. The glitches are even turning-off many liberals. Some top Democrats insist on making excuses and down-playing the failures of...

More politicians are joining San Diego’s former mayor, Bob Filner, for early retirements. Colorado citizens held historic recall elections Tuesday and removed two state senators: Two Democratic lawmakers in Colorado, including the president of the state Senate, were recalled Tuesday in elections brought about by...

My husband and I made a wager. He insisted that San Diego Mayor Bob Filner (Democrat) would be forced to resign once the women in Democratic Party leadership began clamoring for his ouster.  I said that he would never leave office willingly — he would...

The use of drone strikes has been expanded dramatically under Obama.  The personal involvement of the President in the intimate details of targeting and kill lists  is new to this administration. It’s not something Democrats like to talk about. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz denied knowledge of the...

If you had hoped that the Democrats were just as riveted as the American public by the findings of  Cong. Darrell Issa’s Committee on Oversight & Government Reform on the security failures in Benghazi, you’d be wrong. It seems the Democrats have more important events to...

I have warned you that former Providence Mayor and current Congressman David Ciciline is one of the most effective Mediscare mongers. In his 2010 run for Congress, during which he lied about the abysmal finances of Providence in order to get elected, Cicilline ran a bus tour...

You remember Julia, the Obama campaign-issued woman who turned to government for help at various life stages.  Those stages aptly were summarized in Iowahawk’s Julia’s Circle of Life. Julia has come to symbolize the dependency state.  So I wondered what Julia must be thinking about Mitt...

I traveled to Tampa, FL, last-minute for work (good timing), so I got to experience some of the hullabaloo from the vantage point of an on-the-outskirts La Quinta. My observations: 1. Tampa’s uber security perfectly captured the two paths our country faces. There was something...