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Yesterday it was reported that Nancy Pelosi signalled that the proposal to be unveiled tomorrow by Barack Obama would be “much smaller.” That made news, because it suggested that Obama may be rolling out a “much smaller” plan than either the House or Senate bills,...

The bowing out of Patrick Kennedy is a plus, on many different levels. But this positive should not be construed as a guarantee that the seat will leave the Democratic Party. Rhode Island is one of the bluest states. The Democrats control the legislature and...

Almost as if on cue, DailyKos, Steve Benen, Andrew Sullivan, Sam Stein and others are pushing hard on the meme that Republicans are “crazy” and Taliban-like in their ways. The “crazy” findings are based on a poll commissioned by DailyKos using the same pollster which...

The election of Scott Brown to the Senate left for dead the abomination known as the Senate health care bill. But it may not have been enough to get the message through to the Democrats who just seem to be begging to be thrown out...

April 29, 2009, Relax, The Dems Will Screw Up: What history shows us is that a liberal, blame-America-first Democratic President, urged on by a liberal, blame-America-first Democratic Congress, is a prescription for political self-destruction. Leave Democrats to their own devices, and they will screw themselves...

Hot off the presses: After Scott Brown’s victory, the only thing that could top this would be for Nancy Pelosi to announce that she doesn’t have the votes in the House to pass Harrycare. Hey, you can’t take away my dreams. Update: OMG, dreams really...

… that we no longer will be all Scott Brown all the time. Mission has been accomplished. We will resume our regularly scheduled almost all Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi almost all the time coverage, already in progress. ——————————————–Follow me on Twitter and...

Martha Coakley is the union candidate in the Massachusetts Senate special election against Scott Brown. During the primaries, SEIU spent $214,000 on advertising in support of Coakley, and is expected to throw more money into the race in the final two weeks. SEIU is organizing...

This will be my last post of the year, barring some high-profile conservative taking ill and being rushed to the hospital in which Barack Obama was not born just before he was born in that other hospital in the state where Rush Limbaugh is resting...

The meme circulating today is that Republicans made a tactical error by failing to cooperate more with Democrats early on in the health care debate, pushing so-called moderate Democrats like Evan Bayh into the arms of Harry Reid and Barack Obama. That meme is a...

Obama yesterday: “From the discussions we had, it’s clear we are on the precipice of achievement that’s eluded Congresses, presidents for generations — an achievement that will touch the lives of nearly every American.” It appears, from the context, Obama was intending to use the...

John Hawkins has an interesting post regarding a conversation he had with a Senate staffer on the chances of Obama-Pelosi-Reid-care passing this year (not likely) or in January (50/50): John: But still, it’s looking grim right? Senate Aide X: They are in much worse shape...

Over the summer I repeatedly sounded the alarm about one particular aspect of the Democratic health care proposals, the mandate that individuals purchase insurance under threat of penalty or incarceration. At the time I noted the unprecedented nature of the mandate, in my post Taxing...

Andrew Sullivan called for Barack Obama to release Obama’s full birth certificate: It is not my job as a journalist or yours as a citizen to take public officials on trust. They are not to be trusted, whoever they are. It is our job to...

Mary Landrieu’s deal for an extra $300 million in Medicaid funds for poor Louisiana residents has been hailed by Landrieu as a great victory for the people of Louisiana, and by just about everyone else as a shakedown of Harry Reid and the American people....

In my post the other day, Berkeley Students Should Be Protesting Obamacare, I made the point that the Berkeley student protesters were too stupid to realize that their future was being sold out from under them under the Obama-Pelosi-Reid health care restructuring plans because younger...

I’ve spent some time going through Harry Reid’s 2,074 page health care restructuring bill. If you read the dozens of prior posts regarding prior versions, you pretty much know the story. There are many good analyses of the tax and other aspects, so read up....