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Introducing her proposed legislation: "Leave those children alone. Stop subjecting them to neo-racism and race shaming. It's destructive.... We would never accept race shaming if it was directed towards black school children. We should not accept it when it's directed at white school children. And that is what is happening in our schools."

In a personal blog post, Professor Thomas Smith used colorful language to attack the Chinese government over the coronavirus, but student activists falsely claim he disparaged Chinese people as an ethnic group, and Dean Robert Schapiro has denounced the professor, who now faces law school and university bias investigations.

Ravicher asserts the Dean told him "if I didn't retract my statements and apologize, at minimum my contract would not be renewed, and something could happen even sooner once he consults with central and [General Counsel].... He also said [if] I were black, nothing I said would be controversial. It's because I'm white and a man that this has become an issue."