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After the latest reports of serial sexter Anthony Weiner’s post-resignation online fling, his campaign manager has called it quits. From the NY Times: In a new sign of tumult within Anthony D. Weiner’s embattled political operation, his campaign manager has quit, leaving his already skeletal...

My husband and I made a wager. He insisted that San Diego Mayor Bob Filner (Democrat) would be forced to resign once the women in Democratic Party leadership began clamoring for his ouster.  I said that he would never leave office willingly — he would...

Last week, after the first accuser came forward with the story of the sexual harassment she endured from San Diego Mayor Bob Filner, the local Democratic Party’s central committee had a contentious meeting during which they deadlocked 24-24 on asking the mayor to resign. However,...

First the Teamsters, UFCW, and UNITE-HERE expressed their belated disapproval of the ObamaCare Tax monstrosity, and now the IRS employee union wants to be exempted from Obamacare.  The Teamsters, et al., made points that we’ve been making since 2009, points they willfully ignored and openly...

Last week, Professor Jacobson wrote about “Rubio’s biggest problem in 2016“: I don’t mind a politician I disagree with on an issue half as much as I mind a politician I normally agree with getting played. While I may not share the Prof’s indulgence of...

Nancy Pelosi was wrong:  Even after passing the bill, no one could have possibly known what was in it! That’s because America’s finest bureaucrats are creating a galaxy of amazing new rules to implement provisions of the “Affordable Care Act”.  In the traditional Friday-night document...