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Jared Loughner was not a political person, so far as has been revealed to date.  There is no evidence whatsoever that Loughner was inspired by, or even listened to, right wing radio or commentators, much less ever saw the 10-month old Sarah Palin electoral target map which...

This photo montage from National Review Online perfectly reflects what I have been writing about all weekend regarding the lie that Sarah Palin, the Tea Parties or right-wing “vitriol” caused Jared Loughner to shoot and kill dozens of people in Tucson: There really is no difference...

The shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the killing of several people by gunman Jared Loughner in Arizona yesterday has revealed two sicknesses. The first and most serious is the sickness living in Loughner’s head.  Evidence in the form of farewell videos, internet postings, and...

I’m not buying all the phony expressions of outrage from left-bloggers and pundits over the Gawker article about Christine O’Donnell. From the moment she won the primary, O’Donnell was sexualized by the left with the excuse being O’Donnell’s 1996 video regarding masturbation.  That 14-year old tape...

Tweet of the Day. Kirsten Powers gets it.  Once again, the mainstream media and left-wing blogosphere — including liberal feminists — are sexualizing a conservative female candidate.  They obsessed over Sarah Palin’s breast size, and now they are obsessing over whether Christine O’Donnell masterbates and has had sex....

Oh, the world they live in. Surrounded by enemies, they sit in their guarded lairs waiting for “the other” to approach. And then it happens. The guards are no more, and they must face the menacing horde. Alone with their paranoia and hypocrisy and thousand...

When the Obama administration announced in November its intention to put Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and several other 9/11 plotters on trial in a civilian court in downtown Manhattan, the decision was met with derision on the right. There were two parts to that decision which...

The lesson being learned by the left-wing blogosphere from the sputtering Glenn Beck boycott and the Van Jones Affair is not that political arguments should be won on the merits, and in the hearts and minds of the public. No, the lesson being learned is...

UPDATE 4-16-2009: The Spanish Attorney General has rejected the attempt to open an investigation of the six Americans accused of, well it’s not clear what, but the Spanish Judge at issue wanted to bring them up on charges related to Gitmo. See background below. Further...