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The Three Media Stooges

The Three Media Stooges

This photo montage from National Review Online perfectly reflects what I have been writing about all weekend regarding the lie that Sarah Palin, the Tea Parties or right-wing “vitriol” caused Jared Loughner to shoot and kill dozens of people in Tucson:

There really is no difference at this point between Markos Moulitsas, Keith Olbermann, and Paul Krugman.

Actually, there is a difference.  Moulitsas spreads disinformation knowing it is a lie, Olbermann doesn’t care, and Krugman is too sanctimonious and self-righteous to recognize it.

There are so many great posts regarding our pathetic and manipulative mainstream media.  Here are a few:

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I suggest a similar graphic with Hannity, Beck, and Limbaugh.

Then don't be too Quirky. Go out and make one and post a link… if you can.

Those mugs are like a Wall of Despair. They cry out for a Stacy McCain Rule 5 offering, like Dan Patrick's Wall of Morale:

I cannot keep up with the fast spread of this blood libel. Thank you for devoting so much time to it.

P.S. Powerline has a great one about the Fox News DC News producer's role in repeating the racial defamation of the tea party.

Jared Loughner, it turns out, has been obsessed with Gabrielle Giffords since 2007. In 2007 Sarah Palin was a highly successful and virtually unknown Governor of Alaska.

I felt on Saturday after hearing the Sheriff speak, that maybe the Sheriff already knew Jared Loughner, was a registered Democrat. He was so biased it was suspicious to me immediately.

I know it doesn't matter BUT IT DOES INDEED, was this psycho animal a Democrat, Independent or Republican? No one got to the bottom of that the second the town offices opened today? I am shocked since we all had to read and listen to how much it was all our fault for the last 48 hours.

Please, don't feed the trolls, they hate it when you shun them!


"@johnedelstein & when I say "us" or "our" I mean our group. There were 5-6 of us that hung out in hs.

@johnedelstein well for the Bush/Kerry (2004) election we all wore "1 term president" buttons. That election was HUGE to us."

sort of runic rhyme | January 10, 2011 at 4:08 pm

I saw the three stooges as eponymous monkeys in Nikko, Japan: See, hear, speak no evil.

Apparently, the more so fisticated version is to offer even a more cowardly simplisme that projects all wrong-doing onto onlookers: I see, hear and speak of your evil.

Thank you Moulitsas, Olbermann and Krugman for your heaartfelt condemnations in which you come off as soft shearling piranha carnivores hiding in government provided grottoes.

@Just a guy Funny . . . but remember, it makes some people have hissy fits when you challenge them like that!

Seems to me the CQ goal here was merely to post the first comment, regardless of how inapt the message may have been.

Think of is as analogous to the "shoot first, ask questions later" mentality of the "The Three Media Stooges" giving them their exposure on this topic to begin with.

A self-honored Captain named Quirk,
Excitedly posted a yerk,
His non sequiturious,
Comment, though curious,
Was FIRST, thereby prompting his smirk!

Captain Quirk doth seek
a Klingon with which to peek
into it's dark soul

Wolffiles links to a screenshot of Jared Loughren's voter registration, the accused Arizona shooter. Not surprisingly, he appears to be a registered Democrat.

Chris Cillizza at WaPo says Loughren is a registered independent. I can't reproduce the screenshot Wolf has on his site because I don't have all the personal information required by the Arizona Secretary of State site. So maybe Wolf's screenshot is a hoax.

I generally consider Cillizza a straight shooter, but given the dishonesty on display by the media this weekend, I don't know who is right here, Wolf or Cillizza.