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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



In Utah, Senator Mike Lee is running against the #NeverTrump candidate Evan McMullin, and the race is a little closer than most Republicans would like. Senator Mitt Romney, who is not up for reelection this year, is doing next to nothing to help Lee's campaign. Some GOP senators are getting annoyed by his lack of support.

In the race for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania, Republican candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz is making gains on Democrat John Fetterman, according to new polling. A few months ago, it looked like Fetterman had this race wrapped up, but he has been dogged by issues surrounding his health and record.

Years ago, Democrats and the media used Hurricane Katrina as a political weapon against George W. Bush. That strategy worked out pretty well for them and now they're hoping to do the same with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis over Hurricane Ian. They're not even really trying to hide it. They're salivating over the opportunity to use destruction for political purposes.