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Recordings and transcripts prove the professor never "designated Brown students as terrorists” or "called Native Americans savages on the first day of class," as an anonymous student claimed in the student newspaper. Prof. Burk: "As far as I know, the law school and university administration have made no clear public statement condemning the anonymous accusations now proven false...."

"I still would like to see Congress do its own assessment of -- and receive an assessment from the intelligence community of whether there was an exposure to others of these documents, whether there was harm to national security, on the case of either set of documents with either president."

Our website is a focus of an article on the pushback against Critical Race Theory. The word "insurrection" in Legal Insurrection apparently left a professor at Florida State shaking in her boots. We've used our name since October 2008. Most people chuckle. We make no apologies for our oxymoron.