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After a day of the media investigating James Holmes, the mass murderer at the Aurora, Colorado movie theater, a profile is emerging of someone who did not have any overt political agenda or affiliation. Yet once again, the Tea Party was injected into the crime...

Have you noticed?  The NY Times seems to be getting an awful lot of inside information lately on how tough Obama has been in the war on terror and Iran. First it was the expansive story about drone warfare, and now about Stuxnet: From his...

An old Cold War argument has been resurrected with the news that an amendment allowing U.S. propaganda to be broadcast within our borders has been passed out of the house along with the Defense Authorization Act. Should the State Department be authorized to allow its...

Repeal of sodomy, bestiality ban sparks fight on Defense bill: As the final Defense authorization bill gets hammered out in conference committee, one surprising issue is riling both social conservatives and animal rights activists: the repeal of a ban on sodomy and bestiality…. News of...

From the AP:  With the collapse of the deficit-cutting supercommittee, Congress’ emergency backup budget-cutting plan now is supposed to take over — automatic, across-the-board spending reductions of roughly $1 trillion from military and well as domestic government programs. But the big federal deficit reductions that...

Quote of the day, from a mostly sympathetic Walter Shapiro writing in The New Republic (h/t @SissyWillis): How do I convey this respectfully as a veteran of the 1960s? This is not the 1967 Pentagon March or anything like it. Nothing I saw in New York...

None of my friends or relatives were directly affected by the attacks on September 11, 2001. I was just starting the fourth grade in North Carolina and, while I knew my parents were clearly worried about something, I didn’t really understand what they were talking...

Soon after the raid in which Obama got bin Laden took place, as Obama was in the midst of his not-spiking-the-football victory lap, I asked readers to predict when Hollywood would roll out a major motion picture about the raid in order to help Obama’s...

The past several days have seen a feeding frenzy by the mainstream media and left-blogosphere trying to blame Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer for the murder of dozens of innocents in Norway by Anders Behring Breivik.  It was a horrific crime which deserves universal condemnation....

If you have been watching the left sidebar, you have seen that I’ve featured Dean Friedman for the past several days.  I have his original album from 1977, now if only I had a turntable that worked. So I was delighted when Dean reached out...

To its credit, The New York Times ran the video produced by the Wisconsin Republican Party of signs carried by union protesters against the Governor of Wisconsin (featured in my post here), under the headline Republicans Accuse Liberals of Hateful Rhetoric in Wisconsin: The Republican Party of Wisconsin...

The shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the killing of several people by gunman Jared Loughner in Arizona yesterday has revealed two sicknesses. The first and most serious is the sickness living in Loughner’s head.  Evidence in the form of farewell videos, internet postings, and...

Defenders of WikiLeaks have portrayed Bradley Manning and Julian Assange as heroes who only want transparency, and who did no real harm. In fact, WikiLeaks has put lives at risk and damaged international attempts to rid Zimbabwe of the Mugabe regime.  And beyond that, Wikileaks has...

I cannot begin to tell you how much it sickens me that the Southern Poverty Law Center, a group I supported many years ago because of its work against the Klan, has become a key player in labeling legitimate conservative political and religious groups as “hate groups.” I...

Bill Sparkman.  Amy Bishop.  The Fort Hood Shooter.  The IRS Plane Crasher.  The Pentagon Shooter. People who had nothing to do with each other in the real world.  In the blogosphere, each of these people was linked by a macabre desire by the left-wing blogosphere to find a...

I haven’t posted about Count Frankula in a while.  Frank Rich’s latest column, How Fox Betrayed Petraeus, is stuffed full of Rich’s usual “people who don’t agree with me are crazy and dangerous” filling. Frank’s point apparently is that opposition to the Cordoba mosque and...

More from The Daily Caller today, detailing the political connections on the Journolist, where Obama operatives, Democratic political strategists, and liberal media types mixed: Despite its name, membership in the liberal online community Journolist wasn’t limited to journalists. Present among the bloggers, reporters and editors...