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Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger revealed Monday that security experts with the UK Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) entered the Guardian’s building weeks ago and oversaw the destruction of hard drives containing documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. In a post published at The Guardian,...

Mideast Media Sampler 7-18-2013

A full transcript of the Guardian’s live online Q&A session with NSA leaker Edward Snowden is provided below.  The contents of the session were transcribed as is, without any edits or corrections to content, only formatting edits. You can also download it via PDF. (Note: ...

Edward Snowden, the now-former NSA contractor who leaked secret documents to The Washington Post and the Guardian, said he didn’t want to become the story.  “I don’t want public attention because I don’t want the story to be about me. I want it to be...

Following the unfolding scandal of the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of the Tea Party, I keep the following thought in mind: Neither party in Congress can be relied upon to satisfactorily resolve this issue.  They created the IRS, fund the IRS, and oversee the IRS. ...

Long saga of Jeremy Hammond, self-described anarchist, comes to an end. Jeremy Hammond, a notorious hacker and anarchist from the Chicago area, pleaded guilty this morning to hacking charges in a New York courtroom under the terms of a plea agreement. Hammond was initially charged in...

An article today at The Tower discloses a rough, handdrawn map allegedly by Mahmoud Abbas, refecting a peace offer extended by Ehud Olmert when he was Prime Minister of Israel, EXCLUSIVE: The Deal the Palestinians Rejected, The History That Was Never Made: In a stunning...

Hollywood couldn’t have scripted it better:  A rebel group of engaged activists, derided and harassed by authorities, becomes the obsession of a powerful political machine, leading to the demise of … the machine. Now, because today’s Internal Revenue Service scandal involves rebellious conservatives pitted against...

In a telling editorial last year, the Washington Post railed against Mr Romney’s Secret Bundlers: Who are these men and women to whom the campaign is so deeply indebted? Mr. Romney has yet to answer — indeed, he has yet to be directly asked —...

Terry McAuliffe, perennial Democratic partisan and Clintonite, wants to be Governor of Virginia. But he has a problem. A big problem, Terry McAuliffe’s Solyndra.  Go read the article at the link.  All you need to know is in this Dukakis-in-a-tank-like photo: While the issue had received...

Margaret Thatcher rescued Britain from its economic death. Yet that dying patient now is glorified by the socialists and sympathizers who fought the tough medicine needed to break the death grip. Andrew Sullivan summed it up well in a post I linked on the day...

1) The counter-intuitive truth David Ignatius, recently peddling conventional wisdom about President Obama’s recent Middle East, Obama’s Pragmatic Approach, trip listed three accomplishments of that trip. Two of them were: Obama breathed a little life back into an Israeli-Palestinian peace process that had all but...