As we speak, a “breakthrough” agreement will be announced regarding border security. More on that later
It’s all a dance and ratifies a bad policy of rewarding law-breakers over law-abiders.
Via Mark Kirkorian at NRO, ‘The Border Security Ruse’:
The latest attempt at providing political cover for pusillanimous Republican senators to vote for amnesty comes from Corker and Hoeven. Their proposal would leave the basic, flawed architecture of the bill in place, amnestying the illegal population up front and promising more enforcement in the future. The marquee element of this latest ruse is to roughly double the Border Patrol by adding 20,000 agents and finish the 700 miles of fencing already required under current law. It also includes a 90 percent apprehension rate for border infiltrators, but all its provisions are “goals” rather than requirements and would thus not have to be met before the amnesty beneficiaries could upgrade to green cards (and eventual citizenship).
This is utterly phony. Even Senator Corker alluded to its phoniness when said this morning on MSNBC that “for people who are concerned about security, once they see what is in this bill, it’s almost overkill.” There is no way to successfully recruit and train 20,000 additional Border Patrol agents in a short period of time — at least not without cutting a lot of corners. The Border Patrol certainly needs to grow — it’s considerably smaller than the NYPD. But doing it properly takes some time; it took about a decade to add the last 10,000 agents, so how long would it take to add 20,000 more? They just pulled this number out of their, uh, hats as a way to dazzle the yokels “who are concerned about security.”
The Corker-Hoeven amendment is a sham, pure simple. Anyone who votes for it is announcing that he thinks the American people are gullible fools. I just hope they’re not right in that assessment.
I have little trust in those who are negotiating for “us.”
Via Andrew Stiles at NRO, Gang of Eight Republicans Get a ‘Pass’ from Chuck Schumer:
The Senate Judiciary Committee today [May 20] rejected an amendment to the Gang of Eight immigration bill that would have prevented illegal immigrants who acheive provisional status under the plan from receiving earned-income tax credits, a major source of federal assistance. In an unusual move, Gang of Eight members Jeff Flake (R., Ariz.) and Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) voted with their fellow Republicans on the committee to support the amendment, which was defeated ten to eight on party lines. Throughout the amendment process, Flake and Graham have almost always voted with Democrats, including Gang members Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) and Dick Durbin (D., Ill.), to block GOP amendments. This time, however, Schumer appears to have given them a “pass” to vote with members of their own party…..
At the 3:10 mark, Schumer can be seen, and heard, leaning over to ask a member of his staff: “Do our Republicans have a pass on this one if they want?” Apparently they did.

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Taxation – representation = Revolution.
“…but all its provisions are “goals” rather than requirements…”
Very like the “laws” of piracy.
VERY. Like.
Plus, we don’t even get out LAW enforced…!!!!
If you search for the EITC fraud, cases are easy to find.
Really disgusting.
La Raza with all there ‘Foundation ‘ grants has kicked our Senates butt . Money talks to people with their hands out !! THEY , say it can’t pass the house . Ya, i have seen that dog hunt before
Maybe they could disband the TSA and move them all to the border.
Some should put up an amendment that ensures that all persons who have legally applied for entry as of now have to have their chance for green cards first. Also, everyone who has legally applied for citizenship has to have their cases processed before any of this lot.
I have taken names and know who the enemy is come election time. RINOs take notice…
Mark Zuckerberg is paying for those wall to wall ads touting how “conservative” craprehensive immigration reform is… And they are running them on Rush and other shows to spread confusion.
Funny, I never thought of Zuckerberg as a conservative.
Ted Cruz, however, is a conservative.
This needs to be defeated.
Their proposal would leave the basic, flawed architecture of the bill in place, amnestying the illegal population up front and promising more enforcement in the future.
1986 called and wants the Simpson-Mazzoli Act back.
How gullible do these charlatans think we are? I wonder how long it will be before Rubio realizes he’s been played for a fool. He ain’t ever getting the stink of this off himself.
The whole Open Order things is a straw dog. Folks don’t come across the border just because they want to get to the other side. If they don’t come here to work, they come because of the Open Wallets program that has taxpayers required to pay for illegals welfare benefits. Close the wallet and the border issues will melt away.
If folks want to come here to work and can find gainful employment, let them have a work visa.
Sure, this puts them in competition with the funemployed… Uh… Not…
The funemployed US Citizen is expecting a new job that pays at least as well as their last job and if that isn’t happening, well,,, then they’ll vote for anyone promising more funemployment, food stamps, an Obamaphone, no-down houses, and free Ocare.
Funemployment is the new “early retirement program” (at hard-working taxpayers expense) for folks who’ve bought into the ‘program’. Just vote at least once for the Ocrat that promises you the most free stuff. Big whoop if they don’t ever get another job… Like they care…
[…] Breaking – Senators unveil breakthrough border plan to give Republicans cover to vote for amne… ( […]