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The full text is here. Scott Johnson at Power Line has some of the key excerpts exposing the history of Iran’s new “moderate” President Hassan Rouhani. Rouhani is anything but moderate, he was a key player in numerous terrorist attacks and the building of Iran’s...

NY Times Op-Ed placement inadvertently reflects Obama's foreign policy

When aliens said "We come in peace," they almost invariably had their sights set on world domination. So beware Vladimir Putin when he comes bearing peace.

Yesterday the New York Times reported With the World Watching, Syria Amassed Nerve Gas. The article documents how, despite international efforts to prevent it, Syria built up its supply of chemical weapons. Proliferation experts said President Bashar al-Assad of Syria and his father before him,...

Is there an undisclosed understanding between the U.S. and Russia to keep Assad in power?

Having been mostly away from the internet these past two days, I’ve watched from afar how quickly things have turned on Syria. It’s amazing how Obama has gone from being backed into a corner to being on a ledge where his presidency is just a...

Caroline Glick’s article on Obama and Syria sums up the situation quite nicely—although “nicely” is hardly the proper word, because it makes for very sobering reading indeed: It is important to note that despite the moral depravity of the regime’s use of chemical weapons, none...