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Not a joke. From WaPo, Washington Post to be sold to Jeff Bezos: The Washington Post Co. has agreed to sell its flagship newspaper to founder and chief executive Jeffrey P. Bezos, ending the Graham family’s stewardship of one of America’s leading news organizations...

As a citizen activist, I remember how thrilled we were with the results of the 2010 election, in which the Republicans made enormous gains that were suppose to protect the free market. Fast forward to 2013.  The Senate has just approved the “Marketplace Fairness Act“,...

In late February, the Washington Post ran an editorial Solution Politics in Virginia that began: IN VIRGINIA, A REPUBLICAN governor and a GOP-dominated legislature have joined forces with Democrats to enact the first long-term increase in transportation funding since the Reagan administration — and the...

1) Why are they staying away?  Yesterday the New York Times reported Syrian Opposition’s Complaints Shadow Kerry’s First Official Trip: Mr. Kerry and foreign ministers from Europe and the Middle East are scheduled to meet in Rome on Thursday with opponents of President Bashar al-Assad...

When Professor Jacobson reported that cancer funding research had been used to smear the Tea Party, calling it a tool of a big tobacco and the Koch brothers based on plans hatched over a decade ago, I had one thought: Anti-Tea Party advocates suffer from the...

Many politicians fail to understand an inherent point of economics I refer to as the “Star Wars Tax Rule”:  The more you tighten the tax grip, the more revenues will slip through your fingers. Today, I would like to highlight three recent news items that...

When companies self-censor to wait until the days after the election to announce major layoffs. Via commenter conservativegram in the Tip Line: As Drudge would say-”Own it!” “Nextel to cut 20% of jobs at Virginia headquarters” In Past 48 hrs, following companies announded layoffs: Caterpillar, CVPH...

It has just been confirmed that Family Research Council shooting suspect Floyd Corkins II had been volunteering at the DC Center for the LGBT Community for the past six months. From the AP: David Mariner is executive director of The DC Center for the LGBT Community. He...

Mike Huckabee was going to be the hammer used by anti-Rush Limbaugh forces both competitive and political to unseat Limbaugh once and for all. During the height of the anti-Rush fever, I highlighted how Cumulus Media sought to leverage the anti-Limbaugh boycotts by holding Huckabee out...

Don’t say I haven’t been warning you. While the secondary boycott of Rush Limbaugh has been only marginally effective, Color of Change has had more success getting major companies to drop their participation in the American Legislative Exchange Counsel (ALEC) by falsely tying ALEC’s support of “stand...

I’m not sure of what. From reader Steve, who writes: From a gentrified rural nursery in the Seattle metro area.

Just as Bill Maher was pleading for an “amnesty” in the political correctness war to silence speech, Media Matters was committing $100,000 to an advertising campaign urging people to call local radio stations to complain about Limbaugh.  Via AP: The liberal Media Matters for America...