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In  Heller v. D.C. and McDonald v. Chicago, the Supreme Court made clear that sweeping gun bans are unconstitutional. In response, we are seeing a new trend — don’t “ban” guns, but make it so costly, burdensome, and fraught with legal risk of an innocent...

Advocates of gun control and liberal pundits generally disparaged the notion that David Gregory even possibly was subjected to criminal prosecution for violation of the D.C. gun law by possessing a high-capacity ammunition magazine on television. The non-prosecution was declared the only reasonable conclusion, and those of...

Embedded below is the text of the gun law just enacted in NY State. The underlined portions are new wording or sections. It’s complicated stuff. I’ll be reviewing it to try to figure out the answers to some popular questions — such as what happens to current...

What is wrong with this sentence? From The Daily News editorial cheering the draconian gun control law passed in NY State with no public discussion, no public debate, no normal waiting period, no time for Senators to read it, no likelihood of actually reducing crime, but...

I’ve been giving serious consideration to finally joining the NRA. The people who want to take away your guns (and they would if they could) almost always are the same people who want to control every aspect of your life, from the health care you get to...

Fighting the conservative media on Newt, including attempts to strip Newt of his accomplishments and history. Defending Rush against Media Matters and StopRush. Helping advance Mia Love to national attention. Fighting the false racial narrative in the Trayvon Martin shooting. Helping to defeat Richard Lugar....

One of the best columns about the David Gregory high capacity magazine story was written by Mark Steyn, Laws Are for Little People (h/t Ace): This is, declared NYU professor Jay Rosen, “the dumbest media story of 2012.” Why? Because, as CNN’s Howard Kurtz breezily put...

The role of bloggers as the tip of the conservative arrow has been much in the news this week. The David Gregory gun-law issue is one example, as is the reaction to the newspaper which published the names and addresses of law-abiding gun owners. It...

That’s where we are at the end of the day, today, via Jonathan Adler at National Review: It appears as if NBC’s David Gregory decided to brandish a high capacity magazine on NBC’s “Meet the Press” even though NBC was informed it would be illegal...