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I have not been particularly sympathetic to the activities of Occupy protests around the country, as the message often is one of self-wallowing pity, misplaced blame, and in some cases, vile rhetoric.  The conduct often has been violent. There is a video circulating of police at...

hope and change political promises. Thanks to reader Mark in California who writes: I was behind this truck as I headed into the dump this morning. Now we know what happens to all those political promises. Best wishes and thanks for the blog.

During my morning peruse through the paper, I found a shocking headline: Bullet train cost estimates rise to $98.5 billion. I wasn’t surprised at the cost; it’s well-established that “infrastructure spending” is a fancy way of saying “giant black money hole.” (Hooray for inflation to...

Fascinating account of how new environmental regulations and restoration projects are emptying the northern California countryside, Rural rebellion brewing: Sacramento is Government Central, a land of overly pensioned bureaucrats and restaurant discounts for state workers. But way up in the North State, one finds a...

Via Taegen Goddard: President Obama “stopped for an undisclosed meeting with some of the entertainment industry’s high-level executives” before leaving California yesterday, according to the Hollywood Reporter. “The event was not a fundraiser, and attendees were not asked to donate to the Obama reelection campaign....

California’s streak of bad governance is coming to a climax with the finalization of their cap and trade legislation: California’s plan to cap greenhouse gas emissions and put a price on carbon is set to take effect on Jan. 1 after the Air Resources Board...

Over at Marginal Revolution, Alex Tabarrok has a really fascinating post on the Mexican Mafia: The Mexican Mafia is a fairly small prison gang (perhaps 150-300 made members) and it has significant operational control only within prisons in Southern California yet the Mexican Mafia is...

Crain’s New York has an article detailing how Occupy Wall Street and union protesters are taking the fight to the personal lives of executives who oppose them by disrupting their ability to go to restaurants and other day-to-day activities. As the Occupy Wall Street movement...

In seven months, foie gras is going to be banned by California. The impetus for the bill was, of course, animal rights activists who claim that the fattened goose or duck liver promotes cruelty to animals. Naturally, chefs are fighting back and planning types of...

Scrolling through The Daily News’ live blog of the Occupy Wall Street protest in Times Square yesterday, this photo and caption jumped out at me: Student loan debt a hot topic among Times Sq. crowd. “Student loans screwed up my credit!” one protester screamed while Shakina...

You may remember that stopped doing business through “affiliates” (websites and blogs) in California, after the state passed a law requiring companies like Amazon to collect state sales taxes on purchases made through California affiliates. Amazon has settled with California and will resume its relationships, but...

It’s one of the top news stories across the web: Pay-by-race bake sale still on. the controversial “Increase Diversity Bake Sale” hosted by the Berkeley College Republicans is still on, the club’s president said, despite “grossly misguided comments” and threats aimed at supporters of the...

When I dubbed the nascent Solyndra scandal “Teapot Solyndra” in memory of the Teapot Dome Scandal, I worried that I might be getting ahead of myself. But with this administration, it’s hard to get ahead of oneself.  Fearing the worst usually is the safest bet. And that...

From babysitters, that is. From the WSJ: [A proposed bill in California] would require parents to pay caregivers over the age of 18 minimum wage plus overtime, allow a 10-minute rest every four hours and a half-hour meal break after five hours, reports ABC News. The...

Thanks to reader Joseph from Jacksonville, who spotted this vehicle in Alameda, California, while on vacation this summer: (Some background on the Texas Oil sticker in a prior post.)

Obama has sent a request for a Joint Session of Congress appearance, this time to deliver his jobs speech.  And guess what, he asked for it the night of a previously scheduled Republican primary debate: President Obama has requested a joint session of Congress next...