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Webinar on the pressures to use technology to achieve "equitable" group results. Supposed "bias free" algorithms and AI will, in fact, be stealth quotas hidden out of sight: "the showdown between equity and equality through algorithms, machine learning, and artificial iintelligence will not be televised."

My appearance on the Tony Katz show on July 21, 2023, calling for formation of an impeachment committee in the House: "this is potentially the biggest scandal, dwarfing Watergate by far. Certainly dwarfing the inaccurate Russia collusion allegations, which were never proven. So this is massive.... We better get to the bottom of it. We can't allow the media and the FBI to squash this thing, just like they did in 2020."

Roberts for 6–3 majority: "The text of the HEROES Act does not authorize the Secretary’s loan forgiveness program. The Secretary’s power under the Act to 'modify' does not permit 'basic and fundamental changes in the scheme' designed by Congress."

Chief Justice Roberts for the 6-3 majority: "The race-based admissions systems that respondents employ also fail to comply with the twin commands of the Equal Protection Clause that race may never be used as a “negative” and that it may not operate as a stereotype" and a "student must be treated based on his or her experiences as an individual—not on the basis of race."

My appearance on Newt Gingrich's podcast yesterday, before the IRS Whistleblower transcripts were released: "the other payments that were funneled through Hunter and through other people to the Biden family need to be investigated.... [T]he issues that go to whether Joe Biden as vice president and as presidential candidate essentially sold his office, sold his influence to foreign entities and to foreign people who funneled money to the family."