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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


When I announced the discovery of "Blooger Mood Disorder," I had no idea what I was getting into. Next came, Bloggernoia and SiteMeter Fever elucidated by Robert Stacy McCain, then SiteMeter Envy.I never should have started on this path. I have stumbled on "Internet Addition...


Update 1/8/2009: Hugo has changed his mind, after intervention by or on behalf of Joe Kennedy. Apparently, the goodwill of a Kennedy is more important to Hugo than providing for his own people.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Joe Kennedy shamelessly aligned himself with Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez to provide home...

The New York Times has run an advertisement on its front page for the first time ever. What a precious moment, made all the more poignant by the fact that the ad was from CBS television.So the dying NY Times breaks with tradition to...

Events are moving so quickly in the saga of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, that there has been precious little time to reflect. But as I look back on the past month, I keep thinking of Raymond J. Donovan, and a question keeps nagging me; what...

On October 29, 2008, I wrote It's 3 a.m. and the Prime Minister of Israel is Calling, which appeared at American Thinker. Considering how events in the Middle East are unfolding, and the likelihood that in two weeks the Obama administration will make decisions on...

Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid stated today that the Senate can do "whatever we want" with regard to seating Roland Burris, the appointee of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Reid may want to rethink that position.Reid apparently is picking up on an argument advanced by...

The rise of the blogosphere owes to two developments: (1) the technology of the internet which allows individuals to be heard by a potentially unlimited audience without filtering by traditional news organizations, and (2) the agenda-driven mainstream media, which has driven tens of millions of...

I recently identified Blogger Mood Disorder, "a condition in which one's mood swings up and down in sync with the level of blog traffic."The Other McCain (the one who has never lost an election) then identified two syndromes related to BMD, "SiteMeter Fever" and "Bloggernoia."...

U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald has requested a three month extension of time to bring an indictment against Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, stating that he needed more time to review thousands of telephone intercepts and to interview new witnesses. While I can't presume to know what...

A post at Critical Thoughts blog notes the relative silence of the Blagojevich blogoshpere about the request of U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald for a three month extension of the time to bring an indictment against Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, and suggests that Fitzgerald may have...

According to news reports, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is prepared to have armed guards bar Roland Burris from the Senate floor, despite the fact that Burris has been legally appointed to Barack Obama's open Senate seat by Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. At the...

Although I only have been blogging for fewer than three months, I have identified a problem which must be quite common. I'll call it Blogger Mood Disorder. I have no psychiatric background, but I can identify the symptoms and have come up with the following...

Legal Insurrection Blog started on October 12, 2008, with what is still my favorite post, Obama is Door No. 2.In those first days, readership consisted of me, a few relatives, a couple of neighbors, and some friends of relatives. Then a handful of other followers...

Barack Obama loves to invoke the "rule of law" when it suits his political purposes, but not in the case of Rod Blagojevich's appointment of Roland Burris to Obama's empty Senate seat. In the Burris case, politics apparently trumps the law.There is no substantial legal...

Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich's appointment of Roland Burris has put the Democratic party in a box. By appointing an African-American to the empty Senate seat, Blagojevich has forced his political opponents to risk being called racists. In supporting the appointment, Congressman Bobby Rush called opposition...

U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald has reversed course, and now wants to release to the Illinois House impeachment committee some wiretap evidence relating to the federal criminal case against Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Previously, Fitzgerald went so far as to ask the House committee not even to...

The mainstream media loves Ted Kennedy despite the fact that Ted left a woman to die in a ditch and then lied about it.But Caroline Kennedy, for some reason, doesn't pass the test, even though she didn't lie, and people didn't die. Caroline's liberal creds...