Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2667
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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


The lies behind the Obamacare push resemble birds flocking together and fish swimming in schools. By throwing forward so many falsehoods as to the supposed benefits of Obamacare, it confuses attackers and makes it harder to isolate any one lie. Firedoglake, which stands almost alone in...


Chuck Schumer and Lindsey Graham have put forth the outlines of an immigration plan, which has been endorsed by Obama as the basis for immigration reform.While there is no legislative text, as described by Schumer and Graham, the key is that illegal aliens automatically would...

Nancy Pelosi announced yesterday how pleased she was with the precision of the CBO report on the cost of Obamacare. It would be easy to laugh out loud if so much were not at stake.Nancy Pelosi has no credibility to lose, so she did no...

Barack Obama backed the decision of the Central Falls School District in Rhode Island to fire all teachers at its underperforming high school, much to the anger of teachers' unions.Now a teacher at the school has hung Obama in effigy:Responding to a rumor that one...

Tom Coburn (R-Okla) has signaled that any Congressman who flips from a "No" to a "Yes" vote on Obamacare should not expect a federal appointment after he or she gets voted out of office:Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., is putting wavering Democrats on advance notice: If...

Firedoglake has a great list (see images below) of Democratic Congressmen who pledged -- in writing -- not to vote for any health care bill which did not include a public option but who are voting for Obamacare which does not have a public option.These...

Now that Nancy Pelosi and company had all morning to spin the CBO report prior to its actual release, here is some language in the report you will not hear reflecting that the end result of the report is not certain at all (emphasis mine):"Although...

Clever Democratic tactic.Leak the supposedly positive, but contrived, aspects of the latest CBO report to favored bloggers, so that the news cycle is favorable: CBO Score On Health Care Bill Released: Boosts Democrats' Hopes Of Passing Reform, even though the report is not actually available...

Can't say I didn't warn you. The pressure tactics the Obama administration applied to Honduras -- such as the refusal to meet with high government officials -- now are being applied to Israel:[I]n Jerusalem, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu called his inner cabinet into its second...

Jane Hamsher of Firedoglake has been one of the few avowed progressives willing to speak out against Obamacare.As I have explored before, Hamsher's central objection is my central objection, the mandate. We object to the mandate on very different grounds; she because it makes the...

Dennis Kucinich at his press conference today announced he will vote "Yes" on health care legislation he detests and has criticized regularly for months.Kucinich is a pathetic shadow of his former self, a man whose will to fight has been beaten out of him by...

At 10 a.m. this morning Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) has a press conference at which he will announce whether he will vote for or against Obamacare.Until now, Kucinich has been a principled progressive. You may not agree with his principles, but at least like Jane Hamsher...

Obama's name appears so frequently in my posts that internet marketers are beginning to confuse the two of us. I received the following e-mail solicitation at my blog e-mail address:Hi Obama,I am the Cisco WebEx Solutions Specialist responsible for supporting your area.Are you available this...

Take your pick of the name to call the apparent Democratic Party plan to pass the Senate health care bill by not voting on it.Democrats plan to use a procedure where a separate reconciliation bill, which would be subject to a vote, would contain language...

The Obama administration has sent a signal to Palestinians of a new "get tough" U.S. attitude towards Israel. As I wrote yesterday, the Obama administration is using the fact that an Israeli municipality announced building permits for Jews in a Jewish neighborhood of East Jerusalem...

Israel made a mistake in announcing an East Jerusalem building permit at the same time Joe Biden was visiting.The building permit really is a non-issue since everyone knows the Ramat Shlomo section of Jerusalem never is going to be given to the Palestinians, but the...