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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


An article at American Thinker lays out a chart showing how Obama won the election by overwhelming Republicans. The author compares Republicans to Ethiopian spear-carriers who, under an onslaught by Italian mechanized troops, didn't know what hit them. I like the analogy, but I don't...


An Obama spokesman has just announced that the likely "downpayment" on Obama's plan to expand health insurance coverage over the next decade will exceed $1 trillion. That's above and beyond what presently is paid through medicare and medicaid.The question is, what percentage of the total...

Will AP's cheerleading never stop? AP cheers the "audacity" of Obama's speech to Congress last night, while Marketwatch reports on the reality of Obama's massive plans for spending. ---------------------------------------------------UPDATE: Drudge Report gets it right:...

Back by popular demand, Bobby Jindal and his family...

Nothing has changed. The mainstream media still is campaigning for Obama. On Obama's announcement of troop withdrawals from Iraq, the AP headline screams "US troops to exit Iraq by August 2010." Read several paragraphs into the story, and you will see that the headline and...

Second time this week, I'm in agreement with a NY Times columnist, at least on the language I quote if not the overarching Obama-maniacal subtext. First, it was Maureen Dowd writing on the cowardice of Eric Holder. Now David Brooks, warning that the administration's economic...

Another fed-up, closet conservative has started a blog, Bread Upon The Waters. Check it out. Here's part of the first post, which expresses the frustration -- and fear of discovery -- so many of us felt before we liberated ourselves and came out of the...

I wish this were a joke, but it's not. The town of Dryden, NY, near Ithaca, has plans to build a bridge in an area so remote that the town does not want to spend its own money on it, so it is seeking federal...

The website DebkaFile is reporting that Bibi Netanyahu's choice for Israeli Foreign Minister is Anatoly (Natan) Sharansky, a hero of the Soviet refusenik movement. For those of you who are not familiar with Sharansky, his story is inspiring. In the weeks just before and after...

Larrey Anderson is a frequent contributor to, and an editor of, American Thinker. I've spoken with and corresponded with Larrey numerous times in connection with several of my articles published at A.T. One thing that always jumped out at me is how much...

The cold day in hell has just arrived. I agree with Maureen Dowd:Yet Obama is oozing empathy compared with his attorney general, who last week called us “a nation of cowards” about race. Eric Holder, who showed precious little bravery in standing up to Clinton...

(Thanks for sending me this, Patricia!)...

As reported by the putative first gentile Prime Minister of Israel:"Quick synopsis of every Jewish holiday: Theytried to kill us; we won; let's eat."...

Ah, hope and change. Near silence from the American mainstream media, but this news item from the Brits about Obama appointing one of his key fundraisers as Ambassador to Great Britain:Barack Obama has been embroiled in a cronyism row after reports that he intends to...