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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


I don't think Jay Bybee (or Alberto Gonzales or John Yoo or Stephen Bradbury) are criminals. At worst, they expressed legal opinions on interrogation of terrorism suspects which a court may someday declare to be wrong. Bybee's being wrong, if indeed he was, contributed to...


The debate over interrogation of the three top-level al-Qaeda leaders who were subjected to waterboarding is entering the honest phase. The first phase was the "this is the worst thing that has happened in the history of the earth" handwringing on the left. The second...

Matthew Yglesias on the new tape released by Ayman al-Zawahri telling Muslims not to be fooled by Obama:Perhaps the best thing that ever happened to the relatively small group of people known as al-Qaeda was the rise to power of George W. Bush, whose brutality,...

CQ Politics reports, based on an anonymous source, that California Democratic Representative Jane Harman "was overheard on an NSA wiretap telling a suspected Israeli agent that she would lobby the Justice Department to reduce espionage-related charges against two officials of the American Israeli Public Affairs...

The Financial Times reports that banks and other financial institutions which received TARP funds may not be allowed to repay the loans. Yes, that is correct:Strong banks will be allowed to repay bail-out funds they received from the US government but only if such a...

Call me a paranoid wingnut, if you must, but look at this from today:--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

Bloomberg news reports the following statement by Barack Obama in his speech at the Summit of the Americas, after Daniel Ortega had spent an hour ripping into the U.S. (emphasis mine):“You can’t blame the U.S. for every problem in this hemisphere,” Obama said. “I am...

Andrew Sullivan complained that as of 7:27 p.m. on April 16, 2009 (approximately three hours after the interrogation memos were released by DOJ), none of DrudgeReport, Instapundit, Michelle Malkin or Pajamas Media had a post on the topic:No mention of the torture memos appears right...

Obama's warm embrace of Hugo Chavez was worse than his bowing down to the King of Saudi Arabia. In the case of Saudi Arabia, there is no apparent movement for freedom, so all Obama threw under the bus was our country's dignity. As to Chavez,...

I long have criticized the bias of the NY Times, and mocked its business death spiral. My posts Nude Swiss Hikers Rescue NY Times and NY Times New Business Strategy: DEATH mocked the sensationalist trend on The Times' website. I was the first (as far...

The Obama administration released today four memoranda detailing the legal analysis regarding interrogation techniques, most notably involving Abu Zubaydah. There is a lot of outrage regarding the interrogation techniques approved, but those are mostly non-legal issues. Some of the techniques approved, such as grabbing the...

I attended the Tea Party in Corning, NY, yesterday. There was a good crowd in this relatively small town in western upstate NY (several hours from NY City), several hundred in total. Corning is home to Corning glass and Steuben glass. The entire region has...

Texas Governor Rick Perry said that he doesn't think Texas should secede from the U.S. Here is Perry's quote:We got a great Union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it, but if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who...

Liberals love to quote Sinclair Lewis' line that "when fascism comes to America, it will be draped in the flag and carrying a cross." Lewis was wrong. We have had the flag and Christianity for over 200 years, but we have not had fascism.To the...

If you want to know what the future holds if speech becomes too regulated, take a look at an article in the Times of London, titled "Bottom line gets Dutch Courage advert banned."When I read the article, I had to check the date to make...

Did you hear the one about the person Sarah Palin picked for Attorney General of Alaska? He defended the right of the Ku Klux Klan to express its abhorrent speech. Over at Huffington Post, blogger Sam Stein is outraged, outraged I say:Sarah Palin's choice for...

Update: Welcome NY Times readers. Do not be alarmed. You have not landed on the set of the movie Deliverance. I just happen to have a point of view you don't hear at The Times. See my related post, I'm...