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The pressure put on advertisers to pull ads from the Glenn Beck show on Fox News has caused about a dozen major corporations to instruct their ad agencies to make sure their ads did not run on the show.These advertisers never directed their advertising to...

As set forth in my prior post, IRS The New Health Care Enforcer, the new tax provisions in the Senate and House draft health care bills tax people for failing to obtain acceptable health coverage. These taxes are crucial to implementing a health care mandate...

The White House appears to have taken down the [email protected] e-mail address used to have people report fishy comments by other people about health care. But, the bounce-back when you send an e-mail provides an alternative address, to the White House "reality check" web page:At...

A fraud not only is stating something that is untrue, but also failing to state something that is necessary to avoid making a true statement misleading. A material omission as amounting to a fraud is a basic legal concept certainly familiar to this administration.So it...

NY Times columnist Maureen Dowd criticized Sarah Palin for using Facebook to write about Obama's health care plans:She took a forum, Facebook, more commonly used by kids hooking up and cyberstalking, and with one catchy phrase, several footnotes and a zesty disregard for facts, managed...

Barack Obama has invoked his experience with his grandmother's death in support of his health care restructuring plans.Does this mean Obama used his grandmother as a "prop," and that this would justify mocking his grandmother? No.We each have personal experiences with the health care system,...

And makes it look easy. Rick Perlstein's pathetic, almost psychotic, rant in The Washington Post, In America, Crazy Is a Preexisting Condition, was was greeted by the nutroots as the best thing since Keith Olbermann's "you are a fascist""you are a fraud""how dare you" rants....

I mean, for the Everett, Washington, School Board Committee: Enough Already! Let's bring about the return of common sense, transparency and personal accountability to the Everett School Board.I think we need some of that in Washington, D.C., as well. Also, isn't this how Sarah Palin...

The NY Times has discovered that the Health Debate Fails to Ignite Obama’s Grass Roots:But even among those who turned out for the meetings, many of whom had Obama buttons affixed to their shirts and spoke glowingly of the president, there was a sense of...

A group called Color of Change is putting pressure on advertisers to stop running ads on the Glenn Beck show on Fox News because Glenn Beck said mean things about Barack Obama. Apparently several advertisers, including Geico, Sargento Cheese, and others, have succumbed to the...

The Independent newspaper in Britain ran an article titled The Brutal Truth About America's healthcare, focusing on lack of health services in a poor section of Los Angeles. But at the same time, The Independent also ran a column by Christina Patterson in which Ms....

This is great. My home State of Rhode Island says it did not receive promised stimulus money for energy projects. The federal government says it sent the money weeks ago: The U.S. Department of Energy says it sent about $22 million in federal stimulus funds...

People often joke that government-run health care will have the efficiency of the motor vehicle department, and the compassion of the Internal Revenue Service. This joke will become reality if present Democratic health restructuring proposals are enacted.Under both the House and Senate Health, Education, Labor...

Think Progress, the Democratic policy and media-watch group, has come up with an amazing discovery. Sarah Palin was in favor of voluntary, private counseling so that people could put their end-of-life affairs in order, before she was against government bureaucrats getting involved in a mandatory...

The political world looked bleak on April 29, 2009, just after Arlen Specter had announced that he was switching to the Democratic Party. The Democrats, understandably crowing, seemed to be unstoppable. The Democratic agenda to control the most minute aspects of our lives through health...

Camille Paglia, a supporter of Barack Obama, gets it (emphasis mine):As a libertarian and refugee from the authoritarian Roman Catholic church of my youth, I simply do not understand the drift of my party toward a soulless collectivism. This is in fact what Sarah Palin...