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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


I may have to turn this into a series. Someone please tell me again that this is a hoax, or a bad Photoshop, or something. Via Big Government, the Obama's White House Christmas tree not only has an ornament with Mao's photo on it, there...


Forget the junior Congressman from Alabama who is defecting to the Republicans. The big defection of the day was the decision by Jane Hamsher, proprietor of the left-wing Firedoglake group blog and organizer of the Hadassah Lieberman boycott, to appear on Fox News to call...

I have been warning since early June about the danger of the Independent Medicare Advisory Board.IMAB is a board appointed by the President with congressional approval, to submit recommendations on Medicare payments and costs. IMAB is modeled, somewhat, on the Base Closing Commission which made...

As part of his broad attack this weekend on opponents of the Democratic health care plans, Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) declared:"The lowest of the low was the Republican vote against funding and supporting our troops in the field in a time of war. As a device...

What did the tanning industry ever do to deserve being singled out for a new 10% surtax on all indoor tanning services in Harry Reid's Manager's Amendment?The tanning tax was a substitute for the cosmetic surgery tax (a/k/a Botax) in the prior bill.This may seem...

Sheldon Whitehouse, my Democratic Senator from Rhode Island, has joined the Alan Grayson wing of the Democratic party with a speech so over the top that it is an infuriating embarrassment. I wasn't going to post on this. But then I listened to the speech, in...

The meme circulating today is that Republicans made a tactical error by failing to cooperate more with Democrats early on in the health care debate, pushing so-called moderate Democrats like Evan Bayh into the arms of Harry Reid and Barack Obama.That meme is a bunch...

In order to get large pharmaceutical companies behind Obamacare, including getting the drug companies to advertise, the Obama administration cut a deal, among other things, that the re-importation of drugs would not generally be permitted.Unlike some issues, there are legitimate points on each side of...

I wonder how Nebraskans will feel waking up this morning knowing that their Senator Ben Nelson sold out the rest of the nation on Medicaid reimbursement in order to secure a deal for Nebraska.While Nebraskans will get new Medicaid mandates covered by the federal government,...

Here is a photo of our patio taken a little before 8 a.m. this morning. Looks like we have almost a foot of snow. We are expecting snow for about 5 more hours.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

I was in the car most of the day, so I haven't had a chance to post on the Ben Nelson sellout. So here are some initial thoughts:Yes, it is that bad. The Democrats are about to put in place the legislative, regulatory and bureaucratic...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:Vice-President/Executive Editor Tim King writing at Salem plays the "Rush-O'Reilly-Beck inspire white supremacist killers" hand, while slipping in the Godwin's Law card from the bottom of the deck,...

Saturday morning Harry Reid unveils, we think, The Real Bill. They're even wheeling snowmobiling in Robert Byrd for the votes on procedural issues so that Reid can move The Real Bill forward as an amendment to the current version. Since the amendment will have to...

I've posted about Alan Grayson before. The Congressman from Florida is the class clown of Congress (that's including Al Franken in the equation). Grayson not only is nuts, he has dangerous tendencies. As reported at Politico, Grayson is trying to get the Justice Department to prosecute...

Not Sarah Palin, Not Republicans in Congress. Nat Hentoff: I try to avoid hyperbole, but I think Obama is possibly the most dangerous and destructive president we have ever had. An example is ObamaCare, which is now embattled in the Senate. If that goes through...

For our country, and yes, our President.That's the feeling I had watching Obama's climate speech in Copenhagen, and the whole theater of the bizarre surrounding it.Read into "sad and embarrassed" what you want.No other brilliant thoughts this afternoon. Not for lack of trying.Except, "pathetic."And, too...

Just do as he says, or you must want to kill the world: “The time for talk is over, this is the bottom line: We can embrace this accord, take a substantial step forward. We can do that and everyone who is in this room...