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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:Hey, did you hear the one where Bill O'Reilly called a black professor a drug dealer? What a racist.At least that is what Gawker wanted you to believe, in...


1. Why did it take until after the Pennsylvania Senate primary for details regarding the offer made to Joe Sestak, and the use of Bill Clinton as the conduit, to leak out?2. Would it have made a difference in the primary? (Did I...

Another "emergency" and pending "catastrophe" is being used to justify more federal government spending to support unsustainable teachers' union contracts:Education Secretary Arne Duncan says President Obama "absolutely supports" a congressional proposal for $23 billion in emergency education spending in order to stave off teacher layoffs...

Like clockwork, I get in the car for the 6 hour drive from Ithaca to Rhode Island, and news hits the fan.This time, the revelation that the White House enlisted Bill Clinton to do the dirty work of getting Joe Sestak to drop out of...

It's the Friday before Memorial Day weekend. No one really is expecting you to work.So watch this video of the student speaker at Cornell Law School's graduation earlier this month, it's worth a few minutes out of your busy, important day. And you will be...

The U.N. is taking the first steps in a process which inevitably will lead to various U.N. agencies and international N.G.O.s claiming that the drone strikes ordered by the U.S. government constitute war crimes, as reported by The New York Times:A senior United Nations official...

Another rich person is building a house bigger than mine, right on the beach in my hometown, unlike my humble abode a few blocks in. Terribly unfair. The owners obviously did not know that they had made enough money two blocks from the beach.Can't we...

The Atlantic Magazine thought it would be able to speak poetic historical justice, by splashing the headline that the original reviled one, Kenneth Starr of Monica and Bill and Blue Dress and Impeachment fame, had been arrested for running a Ponzi Scheme.Oh, the deep, deep...

This was completely unexpected:Friends tell The Daily Beast that the departing senator, injured by Obama's failure to show last-minute support, may well shift right on key votes from Kagan to financial reform.Except to those of us who are attuned to the human condition:--------------------------------------------Follow me on...

I am glad to be living in a nation where we have visionary thinkers, who think up thing that never have been thought up before in the history of our nation: Military superiority is not enough to maintain U.S. strength and influence in the world,...

There is a must read article at City Journal by author Claire Berlinski, A Hidden History of Evil - Why doesn’t anyone care about the unread Soviet archives?:In the world’s collective consciousness, the word “Nazi” is synonymous with evil. It is widely understood that the...

Joe Sestak says "I was offered a job" by someone senior in the Obama administration in exchange for getting out of the Democratic primary against Arlen Specter."Joe heard what he wanted to hear," said Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell on Greta last night (video below):"And I...

Travel plans once again took me away from the world most of the day, but I did catch a glimpse of Dave Weigel's piece, Sarah Palin's strange, unprofessional and paranoid grudge, in which he excoriates Sarah Palin for complaining that a reporter writing a book...

Admiral Joe Sestak's political ship is sinking. Not from loose lips, but the opposite.Sestak has stated more than once that someone in the Obama administration offered him a job if he would drop out of the Democratic primary against Arlen Specter.But Sestak is sticking by...

John J. "Jack" McConnell, Jr. is the Obama administration's nominee for an open seat on the U.S. District Court in Rhode Island.As documented in my prior post, McConnell donated at least $430,000 to Democrats, including tens of thousands to the Democratic Senators who nominated him...

Literally. Mexico told Obama what to do with the national guard troops Obama just ordered to the border.Not kidding. Mexico told Obama what to do with the national guard troops Obama just ordered to the border.You may not understand. Mexico did not make a profane...

Last week I chronicled the saga of Central Falls, Rhode Island, which has filed for receivership, the state equivalent of bankruptcy, under the weight of union contracts and debt, Has First Public Sector Union Domino Fallen?Now it turns out that Central Falls has been using...