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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs says he's parting ways with the right because people who disagree with him are fascist, racist, homophobic, white supremacists. And he names names.In fact, this is just another attention getting ploy to get back at people who have criticized...


Let's review the past two days.On Sunday, the Democratic health care restructuring proponents were trumpeting a report by an MIT economist claiming, based on a prior CBO scoring of Harry Reid's bill, that private premiums in the non-group market would drop $200-$500. The White House,...

Hondurans voted yesterday, and it appears that a rival of Manuel Zelaya has won. For those of you who regularly read this blog, you know of the struggle of Honduras not only against Zelaya and his primary backer, Hugo Chavez, but also against the Obama...

Best line of the weekend. Bill Kristol on Fox News Sunday, asked whether the White House party crashers should be prosecuted:Yes, we should put them on trial in New York in a courtroom right next to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed(My transcription from memory, until I can...

Another day, another exposé by a British newspaper about the failure of nationalized health care. This time, it's the left-wing The Guardian reflecting on how delays in cancer care cause 10,000 unnecessary deaths each year compared to other European countries:Up to 10,000 people die needlessly...

The list of potential GOP presidential candidates just narrowed. If reports are accurate, a convict to whom Mike Huckabee granted clemency is sought in the killing of four Seattle policemen.This is Huck's Willie Horton. Sure, there are differences. Horton committed rape while on weekend furlough...

I want to believe Tiger Woods' statement that the rumors about his wife attacking him are false. Refusing to speak with the police, however, is not a good sign.One issue keeps popping back into my mind on this. Tiger's wife reportedly helped extricate him from...

Democrats have a thrill running up their legs because health care economist Jonathan Gruber of MIT has proclaimed that private insurance policies "in the non-group market" will cost $200-$500 less if Harry Reid's plan becomes law.The analysis is rudimentary. Gruber merely takes the CBO scoring...

Can't seem to get motivated to write in great detail about John Kerry's "hey, look, I just issued a report about George W. deliberately letting Osama go in Tora Bora, you know, the same argument I have been making for several years and which failed...

Politico is fast replacing The New York Times as my favorite source of screen shots. Of course, nothing yet approaches the NY Times' Nude Swiss Hikers screen shot, but give the new media time. For now, be satisfied with this ultra-obvious Politico headline: While...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:Matt Taibbi in explaining the many and varied reasons why he hates Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin, WWE Star:Palin — and there’s just no way to deny this — is...

It's not Obama's fault that two publicity-seeking reality-show wannabees crashed the State Dinner for the Indian Prime Minister, any more than it was Obama's fault that the Nobel Peace Prize committee awarded Obama the undeserved Peace Prize.In the absence of any real achievements by Obama,...

Pulls out of his driveway at 2:25 a.m., driving fast enough to cause serious injury when he hits a fire hydrant and tree near his home. No alchohol involved. Likely verdict:In massive fight with his wife, and drove off like a bat out of hell...

From the London Times, on continuing problems in the British health care system:An immediate investigation to uncover the true extent of death rates across the NHS has been ordered by the Health Secretary after scandals at two hospital trusts. Amid claims that patients are dying...

Do not worry that your electronic medical records, once in the possession of the government, will not be safe. The government has extensive procedures in place to assure that the never, ever, could there be a breach of security.These security procedures have been developed and...

Or so it seems. Democratic Representative Mike Capuano is running in the Democratic special primary for Ted Kennedy's Senate seat. While running against numerous other high-profile Democrats, such as Attorney General Martha Coakley, Capuano has put Dick Cheney at the center of his campaign strategy.In...

From an op-ed by Sen. Jeff Session (R-Ala.), on how Harry Reid was one of the architects, during the Bush administration, of the judicial filibuster. Now that Reid is Majority Leader, Reid is against the use of the filibuster for judicial nominees, and indignantly so:This...