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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


and American Jews have not done a good job at forcing Israelis to create the Middle Eastern version of the Upper West Side, or something like that, from Peter Beinart and the usual suspects.You know what, they really don't care what you think. And they...


Apparently, it constitutes race baiting to mention Al Sharpton when criticizing the boycott of Arizona, according to Kevin Johnson, at ImmigrationProf Blog:The website mentioned in Palin's message includes the following "defense" of Arizona:"instead of taking action to help, the state has come under attack...

Also known as killing two birds with one stone.We get to apologize to and beg forgiveness from China for the sin of Arizona seeking to enforce the U.S. immigration laws, thus satisfying the 11th Commandment, "thou shall apologize profusely."And, as the twofer, we get to...

A lot of people are upset about these lines in Pat Buchanan's column, Are Liberals Anti-WASP?: If Kagan is confirmed, Jews, who represent less than 2 percent of the U.S. population, will have 33 percent of the Supreme Court seats.Is this the Democrats' idea of...

The evidence mounts of bungled permitting, delays in response, and understating the impact:U.S. Said to Allow Drilling Without Needed Permits - "Those approvals, federal records show, include one for the well drilled by the Deepwater Horizon rig, which exploded on April 20, killing 11 workers...

He just can't wrap his mind around it. So he sinks ever deeper into his belief that we fail to understand.But in fact, it is he who fails to understand:Is “Left” becoming a four-letter word? You’d think so lately with each day bringing more news...

For all you Charlie Crist fans out there, Crist's answer was "I'm going to keep it" (at 3:10)(via The Buzz):[youtube=]--------------------------------------------Related Posts (Heckler-mania):President Protects Critic's Right To Speak At Town HallShocking Lack of RespectWe Are All Gillian Duffy NowThe First HecklerFollow me on Twitter and Facebook...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: Yesterday, Sam Stein, a lead reporter and blogger for HuffPo, ran a post titled Group Sends Racially-Tinged Mailer Targeting Bill Halter In Arkansas Senate Race: The already racially-tinged attacks being...

The fiscal equivalent of Stockholm Syndrome:A term used to describe a paradoxical psychological phenomenon wherein government officials express adulation and have positive feelings toward unsustainable union contracts that appear irrational in light of the danger or risk posed by such contracts to the government.Our politicians...

It's like a class reunion. My law school classmate Elliot Spitzer swears he didn't date Elena Kagan. Now my classmate Ruth Marcus swears Kagan is not gay (and neither is Ruth, she makes sure to note).The main point of Ruth's column is that it's tough...

So says Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley (remember her?), regarding the arrests in Boston of possible Times Square bombing suspects on immigration charges.As reported by Where Are My Keys blog, via Howie Carr:The question at the press conference at the State House yesterday was, Why...

This attitude has upset some people:(via HotAir via Ace) Christie must be doing something right if people already are trying to boycott him (via TaxProf):Gov. Chris Christie will remain the speaker at Seton Hall University School of Law’s graduation ceremony later this month despite a...

The NY Daily News headline reads: After beating up Wall Street 'fat cats,' President Obama ready to take their money in NY fund-raiser:President Obama has been happy to beat up on Wall Street "fat cats," but tonight he'll be even happier to take their money.The...

It must be scary to be who they are.One day, we are totalitarian control freaks who want to post police at every ice cream shop to check for papers.The next day, we are pseudo-anarchists who want no government at all.Today, apparently, we are anarchists in...

Not Tea Partiers, gun nuts, wingnuts, NASCAR dads and moms, or bitter clingers.Not loony-lefties, nutroots, socialist revolutionaries, or Kos-sacks.No, there is a gathering crowd with a thirst for revenge, who will not be satisfied unless and until we get on the Supreme Court...

The ugly truth behind the anti-Israel campus movement lies just below the surface, but it needs to be coaxed out.Left-wing academics and student groups, who claim only to care about human rights, do not want to admit that they are in political bed with rabidly...

Just ask Jack McConnell, who appears before the Senate Judiciary Committee today.McConnell has been nominated by Rhode Island Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (for whom McConnell used to work) and Jack Reed for an open seat on the U.S. District Court in Rhode Island.McConnell made a fortune...