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In addition to the George Zimmerman trial, one case that Americans have been following closely is that of Cleveland’s notorious sex deviant and kidnapper, Ariel Castro. To avoid the death penalty for his crimes, Castro just made a deal that includes life in prison….with a...

As happens with gratifying frequency, one of the Legal Insurrection commenters today made a great contribution to yesterday’s thread, “When Is Evidence of Your Attacker’s Character Admissible In Court?” This particular comment was posted by “Edgehopper” (I could tell you his real name, but then...

During the Zimmerman trial there was considerable consternation among much of the public that the trial judge, Debra Nelson, had excluded certain evidence about Trayvon Martin’s past, including his apparent drug use, illegal firearms dealing, passion for “street fighting”, among other pleasant character traits. Now...

Hungry for another claimed example of a deadly Stand-Your-Ground defensive encounter, the mainstream media has seized upon the gas-station shooting death of a black man by a rifle-armed woman, also black, this past Sunday in Houston. Video of the encounter was captured by the gas...

In the aftermath of the Zimmerman trial we see outrage and protest among those who think Zimmerman is guilty of something or other, even if the criminal justice system couldn’t quite put its finger on it. “He racially profiled Trayvon”—although there’s no evidence whatsoever of...

Much has been made lately of the self-defense legal doctrine of Stand-Your-Ground, mostly for political purposes unrelated to any actual legal application of the doctrine (for more on this, see here: Stand-Your-Ground: Gun Control Zombies Exploit Grieving Black Community). Stand Your Ground Does Not Make it...

Sex and school…it’s complicated. Slate columnist fisks NYT’s “Hook-Up Culture” article Family Research Council addresses the “Pornification” of college campuses Students petition school for failure to punish pervy instructor And then…there are sometimes lies, bad behavior and the downright bizarre. Wyoming Schools Superintendent is America’s...

As Professor Jacobson’s recent pictorial essay noted, there is something for both the left and right to hate about the Obama Administration’s use of drones. As the co-founder of San Diego’s first Tea Party group, I love the grassroots initiative displayed by the citizens of...

The push for an economic boycott of Florida has ratcheted up in recent days, with some members of the Congressional Black Caucus now publicly supporting the idea of such an action.  The underlying target of their ire?  Stand Your Ground laws, of course. From The...

As the racialist wing of our body politic suffers through the Kubler-Ross seven stages of grief at the “Not Guilty” verdict in the Zimmerman trial, we find that they are currently transitioning from the “Anger” to “Bargaining” stage. How do we know? Because all they...

Those of us who have been following Andrew Branca’s excellent coverage of the Zimmerman trial here on LI weren’t at all surprised by the verdict.  Indeed, we’d have been surprised by anything else; however, leftists are busy little bees, working their race-baiting denial-of-facts-and-law nonsense with...

Either President Obama identifies pretty strongly with Trayvon Martin, or he’s pretending to do so for political purposes. First we had Obama’s statement that, if he’d had a son, he’d have looked like Martin. That was fairly early in the game. But now, post-verdict, we...

Now that the Zimmerman criminal trial has concluded, much attention has focused on the prospects for Zimmerman seeking protection under Florida’s self-defense immunity statute from any possible civil action against him. Florida’s statute 776.032, is among the broader self-defense immunity statutes, in that it possesses...

I was a guest on Crane Durham”s Nothing But The Truth show on July 15. We covered a variety of topics related to the George Zimmerman verdict and the aftermath, including threats of federal prosecution and civil lawsuits. One of the issues we discussed was the false racial narrative...