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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


The latest Mason-Dixon poll, as reported by The Las Vegas Review-Journal, shows that Harry Reid leads Sharon Angle 46-44. This is in line with other polls in the past two weeks showing a virtual dead heat.Since Reid has made his ability to bring home federal...


The international outcry over Iran's practice of stoning women accused of adultery is having an impact on the normally insular Mullahs, as reported by The Guardian:Iran appears to be quietly changing the sentences of Iranians awaiting death by stoning to hanging after international outcry following...

In their Emergency Motion for a Stay Pending Appeal, the supporters of Prop. 8 focus on the unique role of heterosexual marriage, and quote Barack Obama as one of many authorities:As an initial matter, redefining marriage in this manner would eliminate California’s ability to provide...

The backers of California Prop. 8 have filed an Emergency Motion for a Stay Pending Appeal with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, in light of the denial of a stay pending appeal by Judge Vaughn Walker earlier today.Here is part of the summary of...

The federal judge who ruled that California Prop. 8 violated the U.S. Constitution, and who temporarily stayed his ruling pending further arguments, has now denied the motion to stay entry of judgment of his decision.Judge Vaugh R. Walker just entered an Order which would allow...

I guess the Coffee Party astroturf didn't achieve its goal.So one of the people who helped build the Center for American Progress, creator of Think Progress, has created a new movement, hitting upon a slogan which really expresses their profound stupidity and childishness, as reported...

Harry Reid's entire campaign is centered around painting Sharron Angle and the Tea Pary movement as extremist. But in the opinion of the American public, the extremist is not the Tea Party movement:The American public has a more positive view of the Tea Party movement...

I don't know what the American Family Association is, but this is stupid:Permits should not be granted to build even one more mosque in the United States of America, let alone the monstrosity planned for Ground Zero. This is for one simple reason: each Islamic...

This is rich. Alan Grayson, the buffoon of Democratic Congressmen, wants Robert Gibbs fired, as reported by The Hill: Rep. Alan Grayson (Fla.) Wednesday became the second congressional Democrat to call for White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs' ouster, using colorful moniker to describe him.Gibbs raised...

Talking Points Memo, which apparently has given up any pretense of becoming a real news organization, is trying to create a scandal out of nothing, by wondering whether Republicans will be upset that the logo for the 2012 convention includes a "minaret."To understand how stupid...

Harry Reid famously played the race card during the health care debate by comparing those who opposed Obamacare to those who opposed the abolition of slavery.Now he is at it again, this time claiming that no one of Hispanic heritage should vote for a Republican:"I...

Watching Robert Gibbs go after the Professional Left, and the Professional Left firing back, certainly has been amusing.But I'll have to stand up for Gibbs, at least in his first heart-felt salvo.Gibbs made two related points. First, that the Professional Left is "crazy" to attack...

I haven't had so much fun since never...

We have to get to the bottom of this.There is no higher national purpose than to determine whether Sarah Palin rolled her eyes when a propester[*] carrying an anti-Palin banner asserted that she was a teacher.Via Andrew Sullivan and the other members of the Sarah...

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Palin Derangement Syndrome sufferers prove, once again, that they are flat out crazy.These deranged people now are creating a fauxtroversy over whether Sarah Palin -- when contronted with a protester who identified herself as a teacher -- rolled her eyes.Really.Think Progress runs this headline, Palin...