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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Just when you thought you had seen it all, via Gawker, The Rape Accusation Against Meg Whitman's Son That Got Hushed Up.Is nothing too low for the Democrats this year?Can Gloria Allred be far behind?-------------------------------------------- Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...


Update 10-24-2010:  Two updates so important I'm putting them at the top of this post.  Take a look at Miracle in RI-1? by David Freddoso at The Washington Examiner and John Loughlin Will Win the Kennedy People’s Seat in RI-1 by Jack Fowler at NRO.----------------------------------------------------John Loughlin is...

It took me a couple of minutes to get it.  Obviously, a thinking man (or woman), with a sense of humor.Spotted by a reader in Boone, NC:The original is here.  But don't get too close, the person actually could be dangerous.--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Bumper Stickers - The...

Media Matters, which just received a large cash infusion from George Soros, has been trying to get Juan Williams for years, and now it accomplished its goal of getting Williams off NPR.But Media Matters' thirst for absolute uniformity of opinion at NPR is not quenched.  It wants...

Barney Frank finally has a campaign fight on his hands, and this report from The Boston Herald cannot help, Barney Frank rakes in $40G from bailed out banks:U.S. Rep. Barney Frank, in an intensifying clash with GOP upstart Sean Bielat, has pledged not to take...

Worst, Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist, as reported on September 30, 2010:NPR Will Be the Dominant News Force By 2020 Not Worst, William Jacobson, founder of Legal Insurrection Blog, as reported on October 1, 2010:I'm Willing To Bet This Will Not Come True--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Juan Williams...

And the award for the dumbest and most revealing comment from a prominent left-wing blog regarding the firing of Juan Williams goes to "DougJ" at Balloon-Juice: "Juan Williams’ firing did not happen in a vacuum.  It happened in the context of him having been the official Fox...

What is it with Massachusetts Democrats?During the Scott Brown - Martha Coakley election, the Massachusetts Democratic Party played the rape card on Brown, circulating a mass mailing claiming Brown wanted rape victims turned away from hospitals.Now they are attempting to capitalize on allegations related to a police strip...

Why does Juan Williams negatively stereotype oppressed minorities?  Here's what he said about crime in the inner city:There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then...

Will California ride the wave?Spotted by a reader in Newport Beach, CA:--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Bumper Stickers - The SeriesFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

I couldn't resist the title.Don't get too excited about reports that the Marine Corps. has reserved and refuses to share all local supplies of Port-o-Potties for the Marine Corps. Marathon the day after Jon Stewart's "Restore Sanity" rally.Even if true, you know who ultimately commands the Marine...

What we always suspected to be true about the function of Media Matters for America and the bloggers who suckle at its informational teet, we now know to be true:Media Matters, the liberal activist group that wages a rhetorical war against Fox News Channel and others...

Obama is all in with the Jon Stewart "Restoring Sanity" rally next weekend, even doing an appearance on Stewart's show a few days before.  As reported by AP:President Barack Obama is taking his campaign message to "The Daily Show" with Jon Stewart. White House spokesman...

The mainstream media and blogosphere have erupted because in a radio debate Christine O'Donnell appeared to dispute whether "separation of church and state" was required by the First Amendment.  (O'Donnell's campaign walked back the position after the debate, saying O'Donnell merely meant that the words...

These are the final candidates to whom I am contributing:John Raese (Senate, West Virginia)(open seat, formerly Robert Byrd)Dino Rossi (Senate, Washington)(v. Patty Murray, incumbent)Todd Young (IN-9)(v. Baron Hill, incumbent)Van Tran (CA-17)(v. Loretta Sanchez, incumbent)Allen West (FL-22)(v. Ron Klein, incumbent)Jeff Perry (MA-10)(open seat, formerly Bill Delahunt)Plus, past...

Last January, and again in late September, I wrote that the Achilles heel of the Obama green energy agenda -- which involves a stifling of carbon-based energy use through taxation and regulation in favor of "green" energy sources -- failed to take into account that green energy...

I have to admit, for this day, the Democrats have me feeling like the bird of prey befuddled by the flock of smaller birds, who in their sheer numbers confuse the attacker.The Democrats are throwing out so much irrelevant personal nonsense -- it's hard to know how to...