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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Sent by a reader who spotted this in south St. Louis, and who assures me "I'm not nearly as fat as my reflection would indicate."Once again, I have to warn readers about the occupational hazards of photographing bumper stickers, including the dreaded fun-house mirror syndrome.The photographer also...


Democrat Jack Conway's advertisement asserting that there are "questions" about Republican Rand Paul's Christianity, raises in interesting issue.Substitute Barack Obama for Rand Paul, tweak a few of the allegations, and you would have an advertisement as to which the mainstream media and left-wing blogosphere would...

Obama will be appearing on the Discovery Channel television program Mythbusters, according to an AP report (h/t Pundette):President Barack Obama will appear on an episode of “Mythbusters,” a television show that uses science to determine the truth behind urban legends.The White House says the episode will...

Obama just can't fathom why people oppose his policies.  They can't be thinking people.  They must be stupid and scared:"Part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now, and facts and science and argument do not seem to be winning the day...

Going to be leaving on a jet plane soon, but not before noting some of the headlines today:Meghan McCain: Christine O'Donnell 'Seen as Nutjob' - Uh, Meghan, that's a lot better than how you are seen.AIDS Activists In Boston Heckle An Angry President Obama - Somehow...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:This post is about Barack Obama's meeting with a group of black journalists and bloggers this week at the White House.  As reported at Real Clear Politics, Obama caused some...

Meet Maurice Hinchey (D-NY22), subject of prior posts here, who attempted to evade questions from a local reporter about Hinchey's interest in a property for which Hinchey secured federal development money.  Hinchey repeatedly said "what are you talking about" when he knew full well what...

You may have noticed that things were a bit slow here this week.I've been attending a securities law conference all week, so it's been hard to keep up with everything.  One of the downsides of being a purely solo blogger.By Monday things will be back...

What timing.  Earlier today a reader sent me this photo, which she took in Athens, TN, for my bumper sticker collection:And moments ago, new deficit numbers were released by the federal government, showing that the annual deficit was $1.294 trillion, the second highest in history...

Mahmood Ahmadinejad completed his trip to Lebanon.  While almost everyone had anticipated he would be more provocative than usual, Ahmadinejad was merely as provocative as usual.  Ahmadinejad attended a rally about three miles from the Israeli border, but did not approach the border fence as...

Via David Corn of The Nation regarding the Reid-Angle debate:--------------------------------------------Related Post:Jon Ralston Finally Comes Out for Harry Reid Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube ...

NPR is warning its staff not to attend Jon Stewart's "Restore Sanity" rally.  NPR explains why it issued this warning but didn't have to issue a warning for staff not to attend the Glenn Beck Restoring Honor rally (emphasis mine):We've received enormous attention from media...

Because any debate moderated by the MSM is going to be a game of gotcha directed at the Republican candidate.  I just can't stand to watch these things anymore.And so it appears I was right.  Jim Geraghty, who was no Christine O'Donnell fan during the...

Well, at least we now know for sure where Nevada's top political reporter, who wanted also to be a debate moderator, stands on the Harry Reid-Sharron Angle race.  Not that you would have had any doubt if you had been reading this blog.Jon Ralston says Sharron...

Barack H. Obama, September 2010, as reported by The New York Times (h/t HotAir) on October 12, 2010 (emphasis mine):During our hour together, Obama told me he had no regrets about the broad direction of his presidency. But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He...