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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


H/t to reader Judd for this video:[youtube=]--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...


When the story broke last June about the arrest of 10 Russian sleeper agents, none of whom seemed to be in a position to do any real damage, many people laughed at the supposed ineptitude of the Russian secret services, and joked about femme fatale Anna Chapman.I... is reporting that Hugo Chavez "affirmed on national television on November 30 that Secretary of State Hillary "Clinton feels superior to Obama because she is white...

I posted yesterday about Ed Rollins being the latest of the "I knew Reagan" types to use a variation on Lloyd Bentsen's "You're no Jack Kennedy" line against Sarah Palin.Rollins was Mike Huckabee's campaign manager in the 2008 cycle, and guess who Rollins thought was the...

Who am I to argue with a tireless and indefatigable blog goddess:"Legal Insurrection is the greatest blog I've ever seen. It is full of insightful commentary on the human condition, with a wit-tinged subtext calling out for hope in a world of change, bringing joy...

The attack dogs are out, and they're not Democratic.They are Republicans who "knew Reagan" and play the phony "you're no Reagan" or "how dare you compare yourself to Reagan" or "how dare you put down Reagan," or some variation on that theme, against Sarah Palin.The latest...

Whenever something incriminating about the Clinton family arises, I look to Dick Morris for analysis. His latest TownHall article with Eileen McGann does not disappoint. "The Wikileaks information indicates that Hillary -- and her predecessor, Condolleeza Rice -- instructed American diplomats to gather information about...

..."To err is human.  I had what at the time seemed like a good idea as to how to expand health care coverage, but it turned out wrong.  I'll take part of the blame, but others who acted beyond my control also share in the blame. ...

This post is not about The Coffee Party, because I know I'm not allowed to go there.This post is about Son of Coffee Party (emphasis mine):TV's Joe Scarborough, who today dismissed Sarah Palin as a symbol of "anti-intellectualism" with a "dopey dream" of being president, will...

Okay, blogging is tough.  We get it.  Great Grandma and Grandpa had it easy, with rotary phones and all ("You mean your Great Grandparents had a phone?"). If I hear another blogger complain about blogger burnout, I'm going to scream: I'm taking the evening off from blogging;...

In response to a " a dear friend who runs a large charitable foundation" and who branded the tea party movement "a group of racists, xenophobes and bigots," Rabbi Shmuley writes in The Jerusalem Post, Why the Tea Party resonates with human dignity:Lost in the debate...

The New York Times had an Op-Ed yesterday complaining about anonymous trolls on blogs who post inflammatory messages to get a reaction:Trolling, defined as the act of posting inflammatory, derogatory or provocative messages in public forums, is a problem as old as the Internet itself, although its...

Showing some semblance of sense, President Obama proposed a two-year freeze on salaries for most federal workers yesterday. (Excluding those in the military, who account for roughly half the workforce.) This cancels their scheduled 1.4% pay increase in 2011. As Josh Barro of the Manhattan...

There is a lot which could be said about Joe Scarborough's very personal and demeaning screed against Sarah Palin, but I'll rest on this response:"You are the Alan Colmes of MSNBC, and I mean no offense to Alan Colmes."On second thought, maybe I just insulted...

Taken by reader Ben earlier this month in a Schnucks' parking lot in south St. Louis.I like Bobby Jindal, and a couple of years ago I thought this bumper sticker made sense.  Jindal has increased his national profile, but I'm not seeing a run for President in...

...Curious as to when you think the count should start.Don't bother with January 20, 2009, too obvious and predictable, but if you must know, that would make it Day 679.For suggestions, include start date and event which started it (and number of days, if you...

When Howard Kurtz was at WaPo, I wasn't a big fan.I took Kurtz to task for being As Deep Inside The Beltway As It Gets for his slobbering love note to Chuckie T., notwithstanding that Kurtz did blow the whistle -- after the game was over -- on the...