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Because they have no where to go, and will hold their noses, lean forward, and give the lever a pull (or more likely, push a button). So I discount the ultimate importance of this report that Obama is losing his base: With the 2012 presidential...

So badly that he still claims to be willing to veto any debt bill which does not extend the debt limit beyond the 2012 elections: Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he is working on a plan to raise the debt limit by $2.7...

John Podhoretz notes that Obama is trying to talk the markets into a panic as part of Obama’s political strategy (emphasis mine): An enraged Barack Obama just took to the nation’s airwaves to announce his effort to strike a deal with Republican Speaker of the...

There is something disturbing about an explanation of our debt crisis in Chinese, even if the video producers are in Taiwan, not mainland China. It’s easy for them to laugh.

Maybe this is why he picked the arbitrary August 2 deadline to increase the debt ceiling.  He doesn’t want to miss his August 3 birthday fundraiser by having to spend time at work dealing with the likes of Eric Cantor.  Hey, there are priorities and then there...

Last night John Boehner announced that Republicans were abandoning an attempt to reach a $4 trillion deficit reduction deal with Obama because Obama inisted on $1 trillion in tax increases.    Obama always wants new taxes on the “rich.”  As Michael Alan wrote here, Obama wanted...

In late December I posted my “not predictions” for 2011.  (My “predictions” are here.) Here are the first 10 “not predictions.”  I think I’m doing pretty well, although some still are works in progress: There will be a government shutdown crisis over the House budget,...

In his rather “prickly” press conference on Wednesday, President Obama made it sound as if tax increases (or, to use the Democrats’ language, “cutting spending in the tax code”) were part of a last resort at trimming the deficit as the federal government reaches its...

I watched Obama’s press conference today, and he is a wonder to behold.  He is a relentless demagogue who plays Americans against Americans and sets up false choices as part of a class warfare agenda. Here’s a false choice (my rough transcription) which jumped out...

The Anchoress argues that all that is going wrong is planned chaos, not mere incompetence. Which gives me an excuse to link to a post I did in which I saw chaos as the means towards the end, creating the opportunity to achieve things otherwise not...

I’ll be updating links and reports about the Gaza Flotilla 2 throughout the day, although if someone just happened to fall off one of the ships, maybe I’ll do a separate post.  Feel free to add in links in the comments. Israel Matzav has a...

(by Matthew Knee) As the mainstream media strained its resources and even brought on amateurs to power through Sarah Palin’s old emails for the scandal that wasn’t there, a slow-motion constitutional crisis has been unfolding. The War Powers Resolution clearly states that president can authorize...

It was surprisingly easy for public sector unions to bust Providence.  Through political influence public sector unions gained a majority on the Providence Pension Board, and helped themselves to unsustainable benefits. The Providence Journal digs bag into the history of the City of Providence pension...

Kathleen Since I have one month left in the states before I head over to London, I’ve been keeping track of the news in the British Isles. As I knew from living in Berlin in the latter-half of 2009, Europe is always a reliable deviation...

Turkey is threatening unspecified intervention if Israel again uses military action to prevent a flotilla, organized in part by Turkish Islamist groups, from reaching Gaza.  Via AFP: Turkey on Saturday warned Israel against another act of bloodshed in international waters after activists announced plans to send a...

Kathleen The Donald won’t be running for president after teasing (threatening?) the American people for a few weeks. I’m glad that the less serious candidates are starting to drop out and folks like Mitch Daniels are giving a nod and a wink to the race....