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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Sent by reader Karl who snapped the photo in Rochester Hills, MI, and who writes: I'm a long-time reader but I haven't registered for comments or anything; however, I was behind this bumper sticker and didn't recall ever seeing it on your list before. Thought you...


Because the more I think about Mitch McConnell's proposal, the darker things are looking. I tried in my initial post to be fair and balanced, and not simply reactive.  But it's growing on me, and not in a good way. The good news is that 98% of...

Below is the video in which Mitch McConnell sets forth his proposal, and here is the WaPo analysis: McConnell’s proposal would have the effect of forcing Obama and congressional Democrats to take full responsibility for raising the debt limit, and require Democrats to vote on the...

Someone who after 9 years is not suffering from Blogger Burnout or any other known blogging disorder. We all should be so lucky. ...

I have praised Mitch McConnell before, when he was fighting an almost impossible battle to hold the line in the Senate on a variety of issues when the Democrats had a filibuster-proof or near filibuster-proof majority. Now McConnell may have set the narrative for 2012 on...

Almost the entire Democratic Party theme for the 2012 elections at every level is that evil Republicans want to destroy "Medicare as we know it," whereas Democrats want to save the program by raising taxes on the "rich." As Michael Alan  documented here, groups behind the "Mediscare"...

Spotted by reader Will in Denver, Colorado: The car owner obviously is operating under a false impression: That’s what the revenue debate is about.  It’s not because I want to raise revenues for the sake of raising revenues, or I’ve got some grand ambition to create a...

Help me formulate possible answers for a reader poll asking that question. Considering that some people wanted more than two alternative in the Flash Poll today, I'm taking suggestions....

The story about a Rutgers professor confronting Rep. Paul Ryan at a Washington, D.C., restaurant over the cost of wine ordered by people at Ryan's table rightly has been criticized, including by me. But most of the criticism deals with the professor being a busy-body and...

I was right, mostly. The serious, conciliatory Obama showed up at the press conference today. The only reasonable person in the room was the theme. I was wrong to the extent that in his opening statement and throughout Obama framed the issue as the Republicans not...

That's the question I have, because the French obviously have different rules than we do (h/t Israel Matzav): Syrians loyal to President Bashar Assad stormed the US and French embassies in Damascus on Monday. The crowds managed to break into and enter the American compound, but...

Obama is holding another press conference today, at 11 a.m. , with regard to the debt talks.  The last press conference was an unmitigated disaster for him, leading one MSNBC talking head to drop the "D" bomb. My take is that we will see a different...

Democrats have an idea.  Let's take an additional $2 trillion from the private sector and give it to the federal government. What possibly could go wrong? ...

Last night John Boehner announced that Republicans were abandoning an attempt to reach a $4 trillion deficit reduction deal with Obama because Obama inisted on $1 trillion in tax increases.    Obama always wants new taxes on the "rich."  As Michael Alan wrote here, Obama wanted tax...