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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Obama plays with fire with his relentless class warfare. It tears at the seams which hold a country together. Demonizing the "top 2%" and claiming they don't "pay their fair share" is not harmless when it is the singular focus of one's political...


Cornell professor of policy analysis Dr. Richard Burkhauser, along with Sean Lyons and Indiana University's Dr. Kosali Simon, has released a study showing that the ObamaCare legislation provides a significant incentive for employers and their employees to take advantage of the taxpayer subsidized insurance exchange. According to their...

Recall elections are being held today against six Republican State Senators.  I feel like I've covered Wisconsin so much this year, today is somewhat anti-climactic.  But it's not, it is very important. Unions need to win back three seats to take control of the majority in...

Why are they rioting in England, they have free health care?...

So what else is new.  Obama's campaign plans to destroy Mitt Romney, according to Politico, by playing class warfare and portraying Romney as phony and not genuine: Barack  Obama’s aides and advisers are preparing to center the president’s  re-election campaign on a ferocious personal assault on...

1959 was a very, very good year.  More so than you know.  Unless you were Cuban. Very, very good years are not always what they seem. Thanks to reader Jim who took this photo in Bradenton, Florida, of a bumper sticker which says "Cuba got 'Change' in...

Today's hashtag is #downgrade. There were may good tweets to choose from, but I picked this winner: ...

Today is the 10th anniversary of the first blog post at Instapundit. The first week of Instaposts are here. While we frequently wish bloggers happy blogoversaries, Instapundit really deserves thanks.  It's hard to imagine where the conservative blogosphere would be without Instalanches, and the support of Prof. Glenn...

You probably have no idea what I'm talking about. Victory Day, formerly known as VJ Day, formerly known as Victory Over Japan Day, no longer is celebrated anywhere in the U.S. except in my home State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.  It is celebrated the second...

Nothing interesting to write about this morning.  At least nothing that hasn't been beaten half to death already. Suggestions?  Thoughts?  Comments?  Anybody out there?...

You bought into it, so you own it. Thanks to Bruce from Where Are My Keys who sent along this photo he took recently in Denver: ...

Matt Lewis at The Daily Caller argues that taking a compromise deal allowed Republicans to avoid blame for the S&P downgrade (although David Axelrod and John Kerry are claiming otherwise) and any other negative consequences: In the few days since the debt ceiling was raised, the Dow has...

Soon after the raid in which Obama got bin Laden took place, as Obama was in the midst of his not-spiking-the-football victory lap, I asked readers to predict when Hollywood would roll out a major motion picture about the raid in order to help Obama's...

Thanks to reader and blogger Voting Female for alerting me to the new hashtag #ObamaDownGradeExcuse. Considering how much fun readers had with #BeforeBlackPresidents, there should be some good tweets and comments coming. Here's my contribution: ...