Another person in Ithaca
who didn't get the "civility" or public decency memos. Click on image to enlarge and see why. ...
who didn't get the "civility" or public decency memos. Click on image to enlarge and see why. ...
There are multiple reports that Herman Cain will endorse Newt tomorrow, based on reporting by Fox 5 in Atlanta. This would not be a huge surprise, as Cain and Newt had a very good relationship, as witnessed by their joint appearance on the issue of...
I've done this before, more than once. But now that Herman Cain is out of the race, this may be the last time (probably not, but we can hope): As of today, 5 weeks after Politico broke the story, we still do not know what Herman Cain was...
In the wake of Herman Cain's suspension of his campaign, lots of movement: Michele Bachmann claims to be picking up Cain supporters. Just stop it. Just stop it. This is the same thing you pulled over the summer about Palin planning to endorse you. Rick Santorum seems...
I just finished classes on Thursday and now I'm in finals territory. I have two papers and two cumulative exams between this week and next. I abhor cumulative exams. They are a total time drain and I have yet to feel productive while studying for one....
John Hinderaker at Power Line writes the following about the departure of Herman Cain (bracketed "Points" mine): [Point 1] What happened to Herman Cain is what the Democrats intend to do to whoever the Republican nominee turns out to be. They know they can’t win a...
There are certain times you read something, and say Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking. And sometimes that thing was said long ago but still applies today, like this article from The Weekly Standard, Why Newt Must Run (h/t HotAir)(emphasis mine): But just as the Gingrich of November...
End Game Assessment: Something different. Not sure we learned much. Not having everyone or at least multiple candidates together allowed for stock answers. This was not a format in which one candidate clearly could be a winner or loser. Clearly went after Newt with the most...
Michele Walk has noticed that Alan Grayson is gracing these pages with great frequency, and adds "I hope people are clicking on the ads -- nothing sweeter than making Grayson pay conservative bloggers!" I fully understand sentiment, but ...
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This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: PRAVDA HITS NEW LOW!!!!! I know, yawn. Everyone knows there is not "truth" in Pravda. But really, how much lower can Pravda go than this article about the Ku Klux Klan which...
Headlines of the day: Obama: Congress 'shouldn't go home' until tax cut is extended Obama Off to Hawaii for 17 Day Vacation Over Christmas...
Herman Cain just announced that he is suspending his campaign. "As false accusations against me continued, they have sidetracked and distracted my ability to present solutions to the American people." "Because of these false and unproved accusations it has paid and had a tremendous painful" effect on...
His announcement now is expected around 1:30 p.m. Any minute now (a/0 12:20) Eastern The Right Scoop already has embedded live feeds, on the off chance he speaks earlier....
On June 6, 2010, I asked the question Can Israel Survive A Second Obama Term? This past week has seen the coming together of the growing Islamist-Leftist Coalition in the war against Israel. Leftists who, among other things, claim to believe in freedom of speech, women’s rights...
Politico targeted Herman Cain in an almost unprecedented fashion, turning its homepage into all Herman Cain all the time for about two weeks. Politico can move and shape a story because of its high traffic (reportedly 60 million page views a month and 8-10 million "unique...