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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Obama held a press conference today about gun legislation, but almost all of the press questions were about the "fiscal cliff." Obama's responses were truly amazing, a spiking-of-the-football approach in which he pocketed Boehner's concession on tax rates for those making over $1 million, then moved...


Mary Jo Kopechne could not be reached for comment....

If this didn't come from long-time correspondent, photographer, reporter, bumper sticker aficionado, and music impresario Danelle, I wouldn't believe it. Made a quick stop at my favorite firearms shop today just to see what was in stock. The store was fully staffed, with a help wanted sign...

Using a sports team name which may be offensive to Native Americans, or ripping off their heritage and identity for your own professional gain? The team bus of the Liberal High School (KS) Redskins, in a photo take in early November: Professor, On my way home this evening, I...

The State Department has released the independent review board report, available here.  It provides many details, but ignores the big issue, which is the White House response once the attacks started.  I'm not sure if that was outside the scope of the investigation, but there's...

After a greater number of McDonald's stores stayed open on Thanksgiving, resulting in an estimated $36 million additional sales this year, an internal memo from the company is urging franchisees to remain open on Christmas. According to an analysis in Advertising Age, that one day accounted...

Via @RightInAcademia, 22 Stats That Prove That There Is Something Seriously Wrong With Young Men In America: When are we finally going to admit that we have a very serious problem with this generation of young men in America? We have failed them so dramatically that it...

It's bad enough that people already are talking about Elizabeth Warren being a serious candidate for President in 2016, President Elizabeth Warren: Few people have a better and more appealing story and background to seize that opportunity than Elizabeth Warren. Which "more appealing story and background" would...

It is very frustrating to watch John Boehner and House Republicans twist themselves into contortions in a futile attempt to appease Obama. Plan B failed before it was swallowed because Obama believes that he can shift the blame to Republicans based on the arbitrary deadline for...

Please tell me this is not happening, Boehner offers 'Plan B' in 'fiscal cliff' talks: House Speaker John A. Boehner has launched "Plan B" in budget talks, announcing Tuesday that he will bring for a vote his proposal to extend expiring tax breaks for all but...

If you haven't seen it yet, head over to College Insurrection for Rhode Island prof demands NRA chief’s “head on a stick”, regarding University of Rhode Island assistant professor Erik Loomis. Loomis is outraged that he is being called out: Oooh, the obligatory Glenn Reynolds attack on me...

As we debate new gun legislation, shouldn't we have facts not feelings drive the issue? We've heard that mass shootings are on the increase, but they are not. We've heard that school homicides and violence are on the rise, but they are not. Dianne Feinstein plans to introduce...

From Amy, This is my car, with the bumper sticker I mentioned the other day. I ordered it after the election, feeling let down, angry and frustrated with the whole thing. Mostly, I felt disgusted with anyone stupid enough to vote for Obama. This sticker made me...

As of this past Saturday, I’ve been contributing to Legal Insurrection for one year. The experience has been a truly gratifying one, and I’m very appreciative to have been given the opportunity to do so. I’ve had the pleasure of writing nearly 100 posts for LI...

Locked in trillion dollar tax revenue increase. Promises, promises on spending cuts. According to the frequently wrong but always wonkish-proclaiming Ezra Klein, this is where the Boehner-Obama negotiations are heading: Boehner offered to let tax rates rise for income over $1 million. The White House wanted to let tax...